Miscarriage Poem

Poem About Coping With Miscarriage

I have suffered two miscarriages and am finally starting to heal and see a way forward!

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My boyfriend and I also had a miscarriage about 6 months ago and I am still in pain over our loss. I am 15 as well, and so reading this poem touched me very dearly. This poem is beautiful and...

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My Angel Baby


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

I will never get to hold you,
To keep you warm and safe.

Never see your eyes twinkle,
A smile upon your face.

You're gone but not forgotten.
Never born but always here.

In every ray of sunshine,
In every rain drop tear.

I promise I will never forget you.
You gave me so much hope,

But now I need to let you go
So that I can start to cope.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Erica Morris Brunswick by Erica Morris Brunswick
  • 9 years ago

I was 15, as I am still. It was a Monday that I found out I was pregnant. My boyfriend & I were just as excited as we were scared... I went for a checkup on Thursday to find out that I lost her... To this day him & I are still hurting and mourning over our precious angel, she's up there with God. I will see you soon Daisy May.

  • Jaelyn Tracy by Jaelyn Tracy
  • 8 years ago

My boyfriend and I also had a miscarriage about 6 months ago and I am still in pain over our loss. I am 15 as well, and so reading this poem touched me very dearly. This poem is beautiful and I am so terribly sorry for your precious baby. It was so scary to tell our parents and then when we finally realized it and accepted it and started to become happy to welcome our baby, we lost he/she. Every time I see a baby i just want to hold them, but our times will come! Loved this poem.

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