Abuse Poem

Mother's Letter To Brother Who Molested Daughter

My Daughter was molested by my brother. She held this secret inside for years. She recently came out with the truth. I love her so much. I pray and hope every day gets better for her.

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I'm so sorry that your brother betrayed your trust like that. I love my brother so much and could never imagine something like that happening to me. But I do know what it's like to be...

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A Mother's Pain


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2007 with permission of the Author.

She looked up to you.
I did to.
I told her you were a good role model.
Over and over I did.
Used you as an example as a good man.
Wanted her to follow in your footsteps.
Not knowing what you did to her
There in the dark.
I was so careful to keep her safe.

The truth is out now.
The past can never become undone.
You took something that you can never give back.
The road she was on was already uphill.
You knew the odds
Yet your selfishness took over
I will never understand
No longer try to.
I am too busy.

Now I spend my days trying to put back together pieces.
The pieces you created.
She hurts everyday.
Filled with so much pain and sorrow.
How could her uncle do that to her.
Will she lose the ones that she loves, that love you too.
She just wants it to go away, not knowing how.

Life goes on for you.
Hers has stopped
Paralyzed in time.
Can't move on
Can't go back.

I never knew the depth of love until I had kids.
I never knew the depth of hate until you did what you did.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ruby by Ruby
  • 11 years ago

I'm so sorry that your brother betrayed your trust like that. I love my brother so much and could never imagine something like that happening to me. But I do know what it's like to be molested. I've been molested twice by my cousin that is 17 (I'm 12) and I haven't told anyone and fear I never will. I feel to ashamed and dirty. Let her know that it's not her fault and she couldn't have stopped it. Good luck!

  • Erodica by Erodica
  • 12 years ago

I've been through the same thing it's very painful that your own family member would do it. My uncle molested me from ages 3-8 it was constant until I went to live with my dad. He's very protective I call it "my secret".

  • Georgia by Georgia, England
  • 13 years ago

I know how it feels to be raped by your uncle I had it from the age of 11 then at 14 I fell pregnant. With his baby it came out looking like him so my family started asking questions I finally told them when I was 16 what had been happening all these years
Now I am 18 I have still got my son and as for my Uncle he's in jail on 2 rape accounts (he raped a girl A couple of years older than me)

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