Feelings Poem by Teens

Feeling Empty Inside

This poem is about a girl who feels empty inside, a girl who has been through a lot but has managed to stay strong, smile, and laugh. This poem is about her feelings and about who she is.

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Misunderstood Heart


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2017 with permission of the Author.

She is a girl who just wanted to fit in
and be treated the same,
but instead, sticks and stones got thrown at her.

She just wants to make everyone happy
and see everyone getting along.
As she wipes away all her tears and goes back to class,
there is a voice in her head saying stay strong.

She then enters the classroom,
feeling like she can't breathe,
like all these thoughts and problems are stuck in her head.
She can't pause them; she can't erase these thoughts,
these memories of pain and neglect.

She holds back the tears and can barely even speak.
The pain of being broken so many times
has taken her breath away; no one understands her pain.
No one ever will.

Once class has finished and the girl gets home,
she sits in her chair like she does every day,
looking out the broken, dull window for hope.

She tries to hang on to what's left of an old teddy bear
she had since her first birthday.
It was a present from her parents before they died.

She stands tall, even though she is overwhelmed
with the feeling of worthlessness and emotional pain.
No one knows her dreams.

As the sky opens to the heavens
and the moon starts to shine,
the girl goes to bed, hoping she will one day
be able to fix the hole that is in her heart.

But for now she lays in a bed of sadness,
with her teddy bear in one hand
and a dead rose in the other.

And in her final thoughts before her eyes shut,
she knows in her heart that hope shall prevail,
for tomorrow the sun will shine
and the breath of a new day will begin.


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