God Poem

Poem About Secrets

I'm just too scared to share it openly to others, especially to my family, so I just put it into writing and somehow make it a little less painful.

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The devil is responsible for the feelings of lust and for corruption. Give it back to the devil and present to God your shame, don't keep it on your shoulders alone. If you are truly sorry He...

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Me, God, And The Devil


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2009 with permission of the Author.

I've been tainted and shamed
Behind my pretty facade
Impured by lust and passion
Corrupted by silly illusions
My soul more broken than my heart.

No saint can save me now
I'm a sinner with no savior
So I ask God to just take me now
I want to feel numb forever
Numb, cold, and dead.

I didn't know innocence can be a sin
Accessory to evil plots
I fell against his will
Leaving me hopelessly scared,
Trapped and good as dead.

No one knows I've got a secret
A secret I couldn't trust someone to keep
No one knows what I went through
The pain and misery I still feel
No one knows except me, God, and the devil, too.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Martini by Martini, Sudbury On.
  • 12 years ago

The devil is responsible for the feelings of lust and for corruption. Give it back to the devil and present to God your shame, don't keep it on your shoulders alone. If you are truly sorry He will see this in your heart and He will give you forgiveness and take this guilty sin away from you. Then maybe you will be able to forgive yourself.

Your poem had touched me deeply..

  • Emerald by Emerald
  • 14 years ago

Absolve your sins. Talk to a minister, a priest, or turn to the love of your family and have them help you find the right way. As a minister your poem touched me in so many ways. I feel your hurt and your pain, but I also see your fear and I don't know the details but if you where truly innocent then you have no blame but that which you continue to carry.

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