Just Friends Poem

I found myself falling too far for someone who did not have feelings strong enough for me.

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This poem has touched me so much because my best friend has a girlfriend, but I've liked him since before they started dating, but he will not see that we are perfect. Everyone in school...

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Love Struck


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2016 with permission of the Author.

I often find myself staring into your eyes,
And to no surprise, I'm hypnotized.
You look at me like I'm special.
So why do you think it would be a hassle?

We sing along to silly songs.
I always like what you put on.
It seems to me that we were meant for each other.
However, I'm scared you'll find another.

You'll find another who steals your heart,
And I'll be left alone in the dark.
This roller coaster never ends.
With me you find only a friend.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 3 months ago

Whoa I don't even know where to start my life has been a roller coaster. I'm in in love with someone I can't have. His eyes makes me fall in love even more than I should. We tried things but it doesn't work out. Cause at the end of the day I'll just be another girl to his list so I'll let you go for now. Goodbye forever and always yours, sarah

  • Shubhada S. Kulkarni by Shubhada S. Kulkarni
  • 7 years ago

This poem relates my current situation as well. All the feelings are perfectly embedded in this poem...

  • Alis Obayuwana by Alis Obayuwana
  • 8 years ago

This poem has touched me so much because my best friend has a girlfriend, but I've liked him since before they started dating, but he will not see that we are perfect. Everyone in school tells us we should date and we would be so cute together, but he doesn’t even see it. And now I'm so heartbroken.

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