True Love Poem

Poem About All That Love Is

Love has a way of changing. Love comes and goes, but when it comes, it changes your life. It can also make you lose yourself.

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Beautiful poetry, Veronique . . . Love is a many splendid thing, tho' love can also have its sting.

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Love Is Real

© more by Veronique

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2015 with permission of the Author.

Love is pure like a
white wedding
Love is honest and
real like your heartbeat.
Love has its own
way of arriving like
the seasons.
Love makes you smile
for no reason.
Love is like your
favorite flower,
which covers the
world with its
Love is a remedy;
It's joy for those
wounded souls.
Love is like a volcano;
it's not apologetic,
and it flows
without resistance.
Love is like fire that
burns in the core
of the earth.
Love is a paradise
where two hearts
overflow with delight.
Love is a beautiful
Love comes and goes
like your favorite song,
wonderful when it begins,
and sad when it
Love is the light that
shines on the dark
Love is real and not
It never tells when
it arrives, and you can
never know when it
will go away.
Love is a mystery.
It's unseen but real,
as the wind is not seen
but felt.


more by Veronique

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  • Rating 4.24
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!

Beautiful poetry, Veronique . . .
Love is a many splendid thing,
tho' love can also have its sting.

  • Kumari Weerasooriya by Kumari Weerasooriya
  • 5 years ago

The poem beautifully covers all the aspects associated with love. Although love has its own ups and downs, it is something that everybody wishes to experience.

  • Some W. Eirdchick by Some W. Eirdchick, Greece
  • 9 years ago

I loved it. It's everything I ever felt or knew about the subject of love, but I could never express. Really really good job.

I am the one that wrote that poem I am glad I could express it for you dear....

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