Confused about Love Poem

Love Is Bitter-Sweet

We all want to find "The One" for us. Some of us spend most our lives searching for them. I guess I was a little discouraged when I wrote this. I think you can look at love as good, or you can look at it like it's a disease. Either way, it's bitter-sweet.

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This poem is a perfect representation of love. Love seems to always be aiming at our demise, plotting to watch us fall, and hoping it is when timing is worst. The crude way in which the piece...

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Who Am I?

© more by Kori Stricker

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2009 with permission of the Author.

I'll creep up on you when you least expect it....

I don't ask, let you know I'm coming,
or care who you wish to be involved....

The people I pick for you are most of the time wrong;
wrong people, wrong timing....

I don't care if you get hurt
and I don't care if you hurt others for me....

I'll get in your head
no matter how hard you try not to let me....

You fight me
and I'll just fight you harder....

I like to aim for the "good people",
because they trust in me more....

But I don't have any regrets when I hurt you;
I just sit around waiting to do it again....

You think you're smart and guarded?
I'll defeat you and make you think I'm a sheep....

And when you open up,
I'll become the wolf and cut into you deep....

I am LOVE and no one will defeat me....
For I will be around forever, as long as you believe in me....


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  • Rating 4.13
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  • Luis Manuel Sanchez by Luis Manuel Sanchez
  • 8 years ago

This poem is a perfect representation of love. Love seems to always be aiming at our demise, plotting to watch us fall, and hoping it is when timing is worst. The crude way in which the piece is written suits it perfectly considering that love is so naturally devastating; love is a raw emotion and feeling which encapsulated the potential to do many things but ignores it. This poems is the story of us all, that is, until we are accompanied in seeking for company because it is always best to be alone together.

  • Rebecca by Rebecca
  • 12 years ago

This piece was incredible. Chilling. It truly shows the heart of someone scorned by love.

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