Growing Up Poem by Teens

Being An Example To Young Children

As the oldest sibling, my parents have always told me that I should lead as an example because my little sister and brother are watching, listening, and acting like I do. Because of this, I try my hardest to set a good example for them. They help me strive to be a better person. Love you, Reese & Landon <3

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Little Things

Ella Phillips © more by Ella Phillips

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2018 with permission of the Author.

Little eyes, they are always watching
As I go through fields of sunflowers and clouds of crows
They see everything I do
Little eyes

Little ears, they are always listening
As I whisper words that I throw around like pebbles into a river
They hear everything I say
Little ears

Little hands, they always do what I do
As I pick up the burdens of this life and hold them tightly to my chest
They copy everything I do
Little hands

Little mouth, they always talk as I talk
As I cast my words into a sea of disregarded lies and careless feelings
They say everything I say
Little mouth

Little feet
As I walk down the highways of shadows and allies of sunshine
They follow me wherever I go
Little feet



Hello friends! Thank you for visiting my profile.

My name is Ella Phillips, and I am 22 years old. I started this account way back when I was just 13. Still, readers are being touched by my words, which means the world to me. I am going to post more of my poems to hopefully reach out to more people. Thank you for all the love and support....

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