Poem about Life Struggles

Poem About A Request For Guidance

This poem is about a request to someone very close to me. I am asking him to guide me and stay by my side, no matter what happens...

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This is the truth! I have had my share of life struggles, but my faith has allowed me to overcome my trials. Throughout your battles and rough roads, you have to believe that the light will...

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© more by Soumyanetra Pal

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2016 with permission of the Author.

Light up the way for me.
I'm scared of the dark.
Illuminate the blackest road
With the brightest spark.

Light up my mind
When I'm feeling low.
Help me keep the dark thoughts away,
And make my mind glow.

Light up my world
With your beautiful, carefree smile.
Keep away everything that's evil,
Everything that's scary and vile.

Light up my candle
When I'm out to wander and roam,
So no matter how far I am,
I may always return home.


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A very inspiring poem to reflect on. Sometimes life may take us to a broken road and dark alleys. Let us remember that God is the source of our light and strength. He will rescue us from our troubles and create in us real peace that only Him could offer.

  • Danita Brooks by Danita Brooks
  • 8 years ago

This is the truth! I have had my share of life struggles, but my faith has allowed me to overcome my trials. Throughout your battles and rough roads, you have to believe that the light will be revealed and during that time God will be your strength! It is hard and it may not be easy, but you must remember that he wants to be glorified and he will not put more on you than you can bear. The peace that surpasses all understanding is so wonderful when life challenges come to a halt even if it's for a short time. Before you endure another storm, you must remember the testimony and lesson from the previous struggles and know that no matter what, he will be that light and you will be able to share that peace with someone else in need.

  • Aparna Thakur by Aparna Thakur
  • 8 years ago

I do not believe that this world can help us to light up. Oh lord! I pray to you to make this thing possible. No one in this world would be feeling bad.

  • Vicky A. Brocato by Vicky A. Brocato, TX
  • 9 years ago

Hello Soumyanetra Pal, I wanted to say what a beautiful poem you have written. I really loved the second stanza, but the whole thing is just a beauty. I do believe whomever you are sending this request to; be them alive or at rest, hears you loud, clear, and will always be with you. I believe every one of us has a gift to be collected from our time on this earth. Each time we slip from this dimension to the next we have something to give and a gift to collect. I can tell by this beautiful poems feeling you will get, and give your request. Great read, thank you. Write On!

Thnax for your support and admiration.. it gives me blessings so that I may write on..

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