Lonely Poem

Love, Betrayal, And Heartbreak

It was my first experience with falling in love, and it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. It was followed a few months later by my first experience with heartbreak when she betrayed me. Being young and naive, I had a very difficult time letting go. I decided to put pen to paper and let my feelings and emotions take form in words. The result was this poem: Kiss My Soul, Heal My Heart (1996).

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Hello, your poetry is so powerful. You put into words exactly what I struggle to convey. I've been living in Michigan since childhood, and there's a girl whose apartment I lived near. For...

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Kiss My Soul, Heal My Heart

Avi Fleischer © more by Avi Fleischer

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2018 with permission of the Author.

I'm sitting here alone, my thoughts within the past,
Thinking about you, a love I hoped would last.
Your warm and tender heart that seems so far away,
This yearning deep inside me that I must obey.

Please don't leave me here alone; you must understand
That a lost love is like footsteps in the sand.
So, kiss my soul just one more time; that's all I ask of you.
And heal my heart that aches for you, as only you can do.

The truth is all I want to know; I seek it in your eyes,
But the only thing I see is that the truth is full of lies.
Hold me now; I feel my soul slowly fade away.
Let me know you love me too; your heart I won't betray.

Please don't leave me here alone; you must understand
That a lost love is like footsteps in the sand.
So, kiss my soul just one more time; that's all I ask of you.
And heal my heart that aches for you, as only you can do.

There is no place for me without you by my side.
A world without your love, the pain how can I hide?
I want to taste your lips, to feel your body rush,
And like a starving man, I hunger for your touch.

Please don't leave me here alone; you must understand
That a lost love is like footsteps in the sand.
So, kiss my soul just one more time; that's all I ask of you.
And heal my heart that aches for you, as only you can do.


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  • Stotleen YB by Stotleen YB
  • 2 years ago

Hello, your poetry is so powerful. You put into words exactly what I struggle to convey. I've been living in Michigan since childhood, and there's a girl whose apartment I lived near. For some time, I could feel a feeling grooving from my heart, a sensation of love. It was tough over the years trying to confess my feelings for her. Then one day, she took my phone number from where I had listed it at a Youth Forum, and she confessed her feelings. Ever since then, it's like she's been playing games with my heart. Every holiday of yearning to meet on coming home, I receive random texts that she had gone to visit a relative. I feel every bit of your message. You convey a feeling that my heart yearns to run from. I have tried to broach the matter, but I'm just living inside my head and tired of desperately urging someone to stay, but still. Here we are. Thanks to you, Avi Fleischer, for the Magnum Opus.

Kind regards.
Stotleen Yb

Hi Stotleen,
I really appreciate you taking the time to share your very personal experience with me. This poem was written from my own painful personal experiences, and I empathize with you deeply. When writing a poem such as this, all one can hope for is to know that their work resonates on a personal level, and I am truly happy that it resonated with you. I hope that you find the strength to get through your very challenging circumstances. May you be blessed to find authentic true love in the very near future.
Avi Fleischer

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