I'm Sorry Love Poem

I like to express myself and how I'm feeling. I'm married, and my husband and I are in the military, but we're stationed apart.

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I'm Sorry


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2009 with permission of the Author.

I'm sorry that I hurt you
I'm sorry that I care
I'm sorry that I want to
No matter what be there.

I'm sorry for not being perfect,
I'm sorry that I'm a disappointment,
I'm sorry I'm not always honest.

I'm sorry that you hate me
I'm sorry that I lied
I'm sorry that you now see
How much I have cried.

I'm sorry I'm not good enough,
I'm sorry I let you down,
I'm sorry for my tears,
And I'm sorry for my fears.

I'm sorry that I'm human,
And I'm sorry that I care,
I'm sorry for not making you laugh.

I'm sorry for being hard-headed
I'm sorry for never listening
I'm sorry that I'm like her,
I'm trying very hard to change it.

I'm sorry for being protective,
And I'm sorry for being cautious.
I'm sorry for forgetting things,
And asking stupid questions.

I'm sorry that I dropped out of school,
And I'm sorry I'm not smart.
I'm sorry that I make you say, "We're done, it's too hard."
I'm sorry that I never cheated while we were apart,

I'm sorry that I live for you and could never live without
I'm sorry for the mistakes I made, and that they broke your heart.
I'm sorry and I would be glad to do all that I can.

I want to make you love me
like you did once before
I want to make your heart see
what mine is living for.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Aj Calculus by Aj Calculus
  • 5 years ago

I am very moved by this poem. I think it is very beautiful.

  • Perry Molepo by Perry Molepo
  • 7 years ago

I've just found out that my boyfriend still cares about me after posting a picture with a guy friend on Facebook. I love him so much that i wouldn't hurt him intentionally.

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