Death Poem by Teens

My dad died 3 years ago when I was 12. I write most of my poems about him. This one I wrote the night I was told he died. The original is all smudged because of my tears.

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My name is Crystal Marie Pobihushchyj, Since my daddy passed away almost 5 years ago, back in 2008, I have been looking for my younger sister Anna for 4 years. Ever since I moved out of...

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I'll Miss You


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2008 with permission of the Author.

Now you're gone,
Your body's ashes.
You watch us all
As our world sadly crashes.

I'll miss your shiny
Spiky head
And the way you tucked
Me into bed.

Even tough I am
Now older,
Without tucking me in,
My bed was colder.

All I wanted was a last phone call
Without the tears or sadness at all,
To one last time hear your voice
I wish death was not a choice.

But now you're gone,
Your ashes spread.
We'll meet again
When I am dead.

You helped me through
When times were sad.
You got me through
When I got mad.

We never spent
Much time together,
But now this way
You'll be with me forever.

I miss you loads.
My life is sad.
I love you loads,
My dear old dad.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Crystal Pobihushchyj Olds by Crystal Pobihushchyj Olds, Ab
  • 11 years ago

My name is Crystal Marie Pobihushchyj, Since my daddy passed away almost 5 years ago, back in 2008, I have been looking for my younger sister Anna for 4 years. Ever since I moved out of Edmonton & returned to the small town my boys were born in for them to start school I have lost touch with her and have tried for so long to find her!!! So I am hoping that the story shared on here on February 2, 2010 is in fact from my lil sister!!!! ANNA IF THIS WAS YOU, PLEASE CONTACT ME EITHER THROUGH MY EMAIL OR FACEBOOK PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Missing you like crazy everyday & really wanting to re connect with you & hopefully have my 2 sons meet you again!!!

  • Karolyn by Karolyn, Seattle
  • 13 years ago

My dad died this year I'm only 15, 1 months ago. It hurts like it was just yesterday. I cry myself to sleep every night because he isn't there to tuck me in. He died suddenly and I never got the chance to say goodbye. I miss him dearly. By reading this poem it brought me to tears. You told the exact same thing I am going through. Thank you.

  • Xxcutxx by Xxcutxx
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad 4 years ago Friday...I hadn't thought about how long it had been since tonight but it feels like a lifetime...I read this poem and for the first time in 4 years I cried like a baby...I'm 13 now and every breath I take is troubled but reading this I know I'm not alone...from everything I said I know I can summarize it back to this 1 simple sentence. I miss my dad and I want him back with me :'(

  • Reba Williams by Reba Williams, Huffman
  • 14 years ago

When I was four I lost my dad to a car accident and now I'm 14 going on 15. When my mom gave me some letter that my dad wrote her from jail I cried for days because I didn't know how much my dad cared about me and my mom and still to day I will start to miss him and I can read the letter and hear his voice in my mind telling me that every thing will be ok and he won't ever let anything happen to my or my 2 half brothers and half sister

  • Izzie-May by Izzie-May
  • 14 years ago

This poem made me cry, my dad was a heavy pot smoker and abandoned me when I was 2, I found out when I was 12 that he committed suicide.

  • Anna Pobihushchyj by Anna Pobihushchyj, Edmonton
  • 15 years ago

My father passed away almost 2 years ago now. I can really sympathize with you. I'm now 17, going on 18, but I still cry like a kid when I think of my dad.

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