Courage Poem

Standing Up For What You Believe Poem

As a person, I believe in standing up for what I believe in no matter what the cost may be. Experience has taught me that it is a rare quality, one not easily found in people today. Many believe in something but soon relent as they start to buckle under its weight. This poem is the result of a lesson I've leaned over time. That lesson being, if you believe in something with all your heart, you must be prepared to stand alone.

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If You Stand For Nothing You Will Fall For Anything

© more by Lydia Preston

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2018 with permission of the Author.

A time has come
and it is now.
Will you take a stand
or bend your knee and bow?

Will you state your case?
Will you run this race
or turn in disgrace,
try to hide your face?

You've spoken the word,
and by many were heard.
Now what will you do
when it's left up to you?

Will you act out your faith
in the midst of a trial?
Will you do what is right?
Will you put up a fight?

When you're put at a cross-road,
what choice will you make?
Will you stand for the truth
for the Lord's name sake?

Do what is right;
try not to lose sight.
make the right decision
amidst all the derision.

For when you've done all to stand,
take a hold of God's hand.
he will lead you and guide you,
staying right there beside you.

Don't try to please man
doing all that you can.
make time for the Lord;
you will reap a reward.

Be a blessing to others;
help your sisters and brothers.
Care for those in need.
Help multiply their seed.

Be gracious and faithful.
Be fair and be true,
looking not unto others.
Let the change come through you.


more by Lydia Preston

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