Poem for Her

Poem About The Perfect Woman

If you read my other poem, "Life's Many Choices," you will know that I was inspired to write poems because of my friend Becca. I write poems to organize my thoughts and feelings. This was the first one I wrote because Becca thought I should write one for Holly. Turned out Holly only likes rhyming poems. However, my friend Julie was amazed at the intensity because she realizes it came right from the heart.

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He was trying to show his love. He didn't know how, so he went to google and asked for help. Just be grateful that there is still good men the world today.

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© more by Brandon

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2010 with permission of the Author.

Her beauty is that of a million diamonds glittering in the sun
Each reflecting its own ray of light making brilliant patterns
The angels gasp in the wake of her presence
She in herself being a masterpiece of God's work
As his giant, gentle hands molded her he knew exactly who she would be

She would be the one who could make a man stop and gasp
Who could content a man just being within his arms
Making him fill with warmth through just a brush of the lips
Whose smile could light up the surrounding darkness
Whose laugh could make anyone believe they had wings

She would be the one who that young man would fall for
Who would see her true beauty in the surrounding gloom
Who would long for mere minutes with her
Who would always long for just the feel of her hand

He would know how lucky he was
He wouldn't mistake infatuation over love
He would realize all prayers had been answered
He would simply pray, "I want her to be the one"


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  • Loving Wrong by Loving Wrong, Jersey
  • 11 years ago

My Boyfriend

He sent me a love letter
He said he put in all his might
But when I thought it was to good to be true
I googled the poem and up comes this site

Word from word it's like he copied and paste
Me feeling like joy was just a waste
I thought he had it knew just what to say
I guess I was fooled even air-headed if you may

He told me that he would never lie
I guess sometimes its ok but to me...why?
I hope he reads this poem and thinks of me
Because I want him to know I wrote it you see

You're my boyfriend but the lies have to stop
If they don't our relationship will drop
I like you and you say you like me too
But the way we're going, I can't call you my boo

You said you want to be the one I say I love
But your lies taint our innocent dove
I like you la...wait don't want to say his name
I know if I do he will rot in shame

I do admire you're willing to say you wrote it
But I don't like liars, we don't fit
Adore me baby love sha.....

  • Marmar428 by Marmar428
  • 9 years ago

He was trying to show his love. He didn't know how, so he went to google and asked for help. Just be grateful that there is still good men the world today.

  • Lucy Nocella by Lucy Nocella
  • 12 years ago

If I could write a poem to my friends I would but I wouldn't know where to begin. There all special. I enjoyed reading these poems.

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