Hurting Poem

I wrote this after a breakup.

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This reminds me of my husband. He's never been an easy person to live with, but his love and charismatic personality was always great. After his mother passed, he became colder, meaner, more...

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I Need My Friend Back


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2009 with permission of the Author.

Who are you?
Where is the guy that I once knew?
Where did my friend go,
and when is he coming back?

I miss him like a drought
misses the rain
I need him as the lighting is running
through my brain
I want him to know I love him
with every beat of my heart

I need him here when I'm alone
in the dark
I need his hand to help me up
when I fall

I want him to touch me once again
and look within my eyes,
So I know he cares

I need his gentle and tender touch back
I need it to fulfill my day
But most of all I need my friend back
A friend who managed to make me smile
A friend that went away


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  • Liz by Liz, California
  • 10 years ago

This reminds me of my husband. He's never been an easy person to live with, but his love and charismatic personality was always great. After his mother passed, he became colder, meaner, more demanding. And we have children. He still loves us, we still have great times, but we have to walk on egg shells around him, and sometimes they crack. I miss my bouncy, smiley husband, the one who didn't make me feel useless. Doctors say it's PTSD, but a name for it doesn't help the hurt and resentment as the years of and continuing hurt.

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