Breaking Up Poem

I wrote this because I was with a guy for 3 years and we were in love very much. He was my other half, but something went wrong. I started losing interest and so did he, and I feel so bad that I blame myself because he is a good guy and he has a lot of problems in his life like his mom doesn't want him. I feel bad, but I don't want to stay in a relationship out of pity.

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Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

I search for the right words to say.
I wonder if you do the same.
I found myself thinking of you every day.
It hurts to feel this kind of blame.
I never thought I could feel this kind of pain
from just hearing the sound of your voice
for knowing you were the only one who stopped the rain
and knowing I shouldn't have let you walk away,
let you walk away as far as you did.
My heart tells me not to be selfish,
to just pray for your happiness,
but when I hear your sad voice telling me you're scared and confused,
it hits me this is what I mostly feared.
To be so close with you inside of my heart but yet so very far.


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