Spiritual Poem about Death

Poem About How My Mom Will Be Missed

A poem to mother about how much she is loved and will be missed. A tribute to my mom, Ina Marie Hanks Crowder

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I also lost my mother last February 7, 2017. She died from colon cancer. When she was at the hospital I was always thinking what life would be like without a mother. I’ll always remember the...

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How Can I Say Goodbye?

© more by Brinda Carter

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

Mom, it's been over a year now since
God and His angels called you away.
Oh, how the angels rejoiced as you walked
Through those pearly gates that day!

Mom, when they said you were going to die
I refused to believe it could be true.
How could I allow myself to even
Imagine saying goodbye to you?

Mom, you were an angel here on earth,
I learned so very much from you.
You were so gentle and so kind;
Your smile would always see me through.

You taught me how to love unconditionally
And how to be my very best in all I do.
You gave your all to God and your family,
Never once stopping to think about you.

You were more than a mother. You were my
Best friend and a great listener, too.
Oh, how I miss our special talks and
All the fun things we used to do.

Mom, I can never say goodbye to you,
Because I could never bear the pain.
Instead, I say I love you, Mom;
Until we meet again.


more by Brinda Carter

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Julie by Julie
  • 5 years ago

I will always miss you. I can't believe that you went away. My heart is full of pain. I can't do this anymore. I miss you, and nobody knows it but me. I've never hurt as bad as I do now. I know that you are in heaven watching over me. The day the doctor denied you care because of no insurance, my life was over. It was a long journey back home to bury you with my family. I'm still in denial.

  • Daisy Cervantes by Daisy Cervantes
  • 5 years ago

I lost my mom on April 23, 2019. She passed away in her sleep. My mother's name was Nicole. She has six kids. The oldest is 17 and the youngest is 7 now. My mom loves us so much, but she put herself last, which caused her to lose her life. She passed away of Graves' disease. She had many health complications. I want my mom to know that I love and cherish her so much. She was best friend. I was 15 when she passed. I just spent my first birthday without her. Worst feeling to know your rock wasn't there. I want my mom to know I love her so much. I blame myself for not taking care of her, but I hope she is proud of my siblings and me.

  • Monique Surrett by Monique Surrett
  • 7 years ago

I lost mom to cancer in 2012. I knew the end was coming, but I never got a chance to say goodbye. Cancer is a heinous disease. I continue to have dreams about her, and she's sick in every one of them. We didn't see eye to eye, but she was my mother, and I loved her. It's weird, I'm 40 now but still need my mom. I realized this when I started to notice that I've have been trying to strengthen the relationship I have with the older women in my life. I often wonder if she is watching over me like we all like to believe. I love you, Mommy!

  • Fanie Van Der Merwe by Fanie Van Der Merwe
  • 7 years ago

What an awesome thought and poem. I have lost my mom this morning at 03:15 at the age of 82. I love you mom and will always. Your departure came so sudden and without a warning. Your heart will remain and will never be torn. I love you, my Angel in Heaven. For always and ever. God Bless.

  • Angela by Angela
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mom on January 27, 2017 to the horrible, dreadful disease: cancer. We never quite came to terms that she would leave us and lose this battle. I never really got a chance to say goodbye. I never got to tell her how sorry I was and how I'd give it anything to be a story of a win. Mom, you and I never saw eye to eye, but I do hope you know how much I loved you and what you mean to me. Thank you for this poem. She was and will always be my best friend.

  • Editha Banna by Editha Banna
  • 7 years ago

I also lost my mother last February 7, 2017. She died from colon cancer. When she was at the hospital I was always thinking what life would be like without a mother. I’ll always remember the last time we went to church when she was really weak. I didn’t want to show her that I was crying, but I know she knew. She was so skinny and couldn’t eat. Every time I looked into her eyes I could feel her pain, but at the same time it felt like she was saying she was okay. She accepted that she was going to die, so my siblings and I accepted that fact as well. We just trust in God. We pray for him to let our mother be with him on the other side. One day when I was washing dishes, I heard a low voice call my name behind me. When I turned around the tears fell down so fast. The first word I said was Mama. When I looked up, it was fading. I continued crying without an idea. Then a call came saying my mom was gone.

  • Zen Huzaini by Zen Huzaini
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mom yesterday. She could no longer fight the most terrible disease, cervical cancer. I still can't let her go. I was praying next to her hoping my instinct would go wrong about her death. I love her more than anything in this world. I still cry in the silence. I really can't let her be alone :(

  • Anna Schaefer by Anna Schaefer
  • 8 years ago

I am truly sorry for your loss. I hope you can find it in you to keep going strong. I want you to know that there is a reason for everything that happens. If you don't understand, God is always there for you. Just pray, and he will show you there is another door opening when one door closes.

  • Keketsi Malikeleli by Keketsi Malikeleli
  • 8 years ago

My mother wan an exceptional woman. I was eager to see her after quite a long time, but I was told she had gone already. It was like an unbelievable story at first, only to realize that GOD had called her, indeed. I wish to see her kind, innocent face and her beautiful smile, but it was too late. Oh! GOD, please help me cope in this situation.

She paved my way into the University for a better destiny. She promised to buy me a car when I graduated. Her death came expectantly. The last time I spoke to her was a week before her death. The doctors recommended that she was in an Intensive Care Unit and she could not been seen by any of us. Be blessed, Mum.

  • Casey by Casey, Indonesia
  • 10 years ago

Just lost my mom a few days ago due to cancer. I'm currently 18 and it feels so hard to be without her. This poem really describes what I'm feeling. I too never said goodbye to my mom. Instead I always said see you because I know she is not really gone. Thank you for sharing this poem. May God bless you always.

  • Laurie Jenkins by Laurie Jenkins, Dinosaur
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for the beautiful poem. It was as though the words were coming from my heart. I lost my beautiful mother Feb,02,2014. I now have a hole in my heart that can not be filled. I miss her so much. I hope the pain will lesson as time passes. We knew she didn't have very long to live. We said our good byes. You would think that that would make death easier to deal with, but it does not. I will never forget the last touch of my moms hand on my face and her words of love. I will cherish that memory always. I love you mom.

  • Paul Anejodo by Paul Anejodo, Nigeria
  • 10 years ago

The most painful thing that had ever and that will ever happen to me is that I lost my mom. So sweet a woman. I miss her every day of my life.

  • Kait by Kait
  • 8 years ago

I'm sorry for your pain. I just lost mine this September. I'm seeking anything to help me deal with the worst thing ever happening in my life. Everyone's story is different, but when I read this, it hit home. Thank you, may your mother rest in paradise.

  • Gloria Parke by Gloria Parke
  • 11 years ago

Thank you for this most wonderful poem it's coming a year since I lost my mother in law but she was like a mother to me the best I ever had and this poem sums her up to a tee thank you x

  • Dave by Dave, Huntsville
  • 11 years ago

Life as I know it was developed via Mothers loving guidance and strong family values. Now that she is resting with our maker I seem to feel shamed from time to time because of the things I said and done growing up, however, it's through her love that I understand her and we were picked to be Mother and Son. Her committed heart and driving force is a glimpse of what lies ahead for the purest love of all...Gods love, it's through our parents that he works his divine glory. Mom I sure miss you but I do understand we will meet again and have a bonding and so will all who reads this message. Thank you God for allowing me to have a great Mother who stood by me no matter what and tell her I am here for her if there is anything I can do. Mom the tears which blur my eyes are that of truth and love I have for you.

  • Dora Tuluksak by Dora Tuluksak
  • 11 years ago

I lost my precious dear mother when I was 5, 6 or 7 years old. I can't remember the exact age I was. Her death was too much for me to handle. I lost my memory for a little while I can't even remember the year or date she died I've been using Sept 27th, 1964? As people tell me that this child is named after your precious mother so I ask them what year their child was born and so far 1964 has been the year that they were born. I'm the youngest child in my family and I asked my older siblings about when mom died they all can't remember. So now I'm the librarian here and i do my own research on my mothers death and so far no definite dates come up. I just leave it up to God and hopefully in time he will help me out. I love and respect my mother dearly rest in peace mother for you deserve every bit of it and all she asked of my older siblings is to take good care of me. I miss and love you mom : Love your baby Dora.

  • Renee by Renee, Alaska
  • 11 years ago

This poem really touched me. I lost my mother over a year ago, just months before my High School Graduation. Everyday I think of her, sometimes I smile. Sometimes I cry. I've found that praying to GOD and giving all my worries to him helps me get through even the toughest times. I love you mom, always and forever.

  • Linda by Linda
  • 11 years ago

Thank you for a beautiful poem. I lost my Mom 36 years ago when I was 37. I miss her everyday and always want to tell her something. The hurt never goes away. I am married, have 2 beautiful children and 4 grandsons and another (yet to be determined sex grandchild arriving any day now) and I want to share these things with my Mom. So I just talk to her and tell her in my prayers. Thank you for your poem. Lovely and heart warming.

  • Kenya by Kenya
  • 11 years ago

I lost my mum in April last year after a long battle with breast and brain cancer.
It really hurts ,I don't know if I'll ever get through the trauma I'm into:-(.
The poem has really touched me.
I miss you mum.

  • Ike by Ike, Michigan
  • 11 years ago

I cant see my mom until I turn 18 years old...I hope she doesn't die on me that would really suck! I hope you are okay, though. B^)

  • Cindy by Cindy
  • 11 years ago

I sat quietly with my father and saw him take his last breath. The next day I had a new granddaughter. That was almost 10 years ago. Then on the 22nd of January, 2011 I sat and watched my mom take her last breath. My heart is so heavy sometimes. I miss them both so very much. How we think we will never lose them. My mom was my friend. She would always be willing to listen to anything I had to say. I sit here with tears running down my cheeks just thinking about her. I have a picture of her and my granddaughter together that I feel I could just feel the softness of her face. I miss her so very much.

  • Donna by Donna
  • 11 years ago

My mom and brother left me. On Feb 9, 2011 brother to cancer in his whole body he was 54. My mom Feb 25 2011 from bladder cancer too she was 72. It seem it was yesterday I miss them so bad. They told us mom would live for 4 months it was only two weeks this poem touched me. I cried I took care of mom we had the best day I would not take back even when I took her to the doctor that was time together I miss that. Mom and brother will always be in my heart....

  • Angel by Angel, Hammond
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched me......My mother Linda passed away Feb 27, 1994, which was a few weeks after her 42nd birthday (Feb. 3rd). Still after 19 years the wounds never really heal.
I also lost my grandmother Maria to lung cancer in April of 1999 a few months before her 79th bday (Nov. 23rd). She was a devout woman of God and was the 1st person (woman) that inspired me. She reminds me of (Mother Teresa):)
No matter where we are in life, we must carry on their legacy and live life to the fullest. Isn't that what they would want for us? For those of us that have been touched by a mother figure: grandmother, aunt, godmother etc...It's our calling to reach out to others in that very same way. My mother and Abuelita (grandma in Spanish) will always live in me. God Bless You all & may you give you the love, peace & strength you need. Angelica N.

  • Sam by Sam, England
  • 12 years ago

My mum and best friend died a year ago in 2 days without any warning at the age of 59. This poem has touched me deeply and every word is so true. If I had one wish it would have been to say goodbye and tell my mum just how much I loved her.

  • Terry Bosquez by Terry Bosquez
  • 12 years ago

March 20, 2013 marks the 3rd year. I lost my mom to pancreatic cancer. Seems just like yesterday I got the call that mom had breathed her last breath. When she told me she had cancer and had only so much to live I couldn't accept. Being the firstborn of seven I felt God had let me down. What about my siblings? I was loving in another state far away from her. I visited her and she looked so frail and vulnerable. I told her I was coming back to be with her to the end, but she said if I'm not here.... I didn't let her finish. I said no goodbyes yet mom, I'll be back soon. There was no time, I didn't make it back to see her alive that's why when I saw this poem I cried like never before while writing this. I miss her terribly, but I know she's on heaven waiting for us to meet again, you know why? Cause I never said goodbye.

  • Jeanette by Jeanette, Sahuarita AZ
  • 12 years ago

Sept 5, 2008 I received a phone call from my youngest sister that Mom was being air-lifted to a hospital in Dallas. She had suffered 3 brain aneurysms and a massive stroke on the left side of her brain and was not expected to make it through the night. When the doctors brought Mom out of her drug induced coma, she personally pulled the breathing tube out so she could breath on her own - she wanted nothing to do with assisted breathing! The doctors were amazed to say the least. Unfortunately, the aneurysms and stroke effected Mom's quality of life. It's true our beautiful, loving and giving Mom survived her devastating brain aneurysms and massive stroke that September day in 2008..that is why it so hard now to believe she is gone. On November 17, 2011 God called Mom to be another one of his beautiful Angels. Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem.

  • Kim Mcqueen by Kim Mcqueen, Nottingham
  • 12 years ago

My mum passed away very recently, Oct 3rd 2012, a day after my daughter 21st birthday. I can not explain the hurt I'm feeling and the pain and emptiness inside, one min I'm ok the next min. I break down, she was my bestest friend, I have this special bond with my mum that was unconditional, I was with her when she took her last breath. I don't know how I'm gonna get thou this. I'm taking every day and hoping that I stay strong for my mum. The poem was beautiful and you truely want to believe the words, but it still hurts xxx

  • Dawn Mccracken by Dawn Mccracken, England
  • 9 years ago

It is 1 year on Friday since my mum died from cancer, I am and still feel bitter about this. My children are aged 7 and 4, I feel totally robbed and feel it more for my children that they have been robbed of their nana. I still wake every morning with that gut wrenching feeling that my mum is not with me. Me and mum had a fantastic relationship and I was with her everyday of my life, even prior to her being diagnosed with this horrid disease and obviously throughout treatment. I nursed and looked after my mum until she took her last breath and I continually relive her last weeks, hours and minutes. Life is so hard at times because no matter what support, help and words people and family give, nothing will heal that pain I go through everyday.

  • Bernice by Bernice, Bloemfontein
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Dearest Aunt, who lived with me and my kids, she was like a mother to me. She looked after my son from the age of 2 and he is 8 years old now. He called her ouma and his real ouma, her sister, was not his ouma. She passed on the 2nd September 2012, in the house. She was sitting on the toilet and she told me, "I'm going now" and I screamed at her and told her not to freak me out, she then slumped on my shoulder, I then called my 16 year old son to come and hold her up while I look for help and I think she had already passed. When the paramedics came, she had already gone. My son doesn't speak to me from that day. It is so hard to even go into my apartment, which was such a homely place before. We fought a lot, we made up. She was my mum, my friend, my everything. I felt I didn't do enough for her and I am hurting so much and I think my son is too, that's why he has become so rebellious. My 8 year old on the other hand has such good memories of her and talks about her all the time.
I love you Aunty Norah and I am so sorry for the times we fought but am so great full for the good times we shared. I know you're watching over us under God's wing.

  • Dodge City Kansas by Dodge City Kansas
  • 12 years ago

It will be a year on October 15 when I lost my beautiful mother. It has been the roughest year in my life I was left with a lot of responsibility taking care of my two young brothers and my own daughter. I was 16 when I became a teen mom and I lost my mother when I was 17. I was almost left alone In this world till I fought in court to win and get guardianship of my two younger brothers and had to grow up so young in order to stay with my two brothers. I had to get my apartment at the age 17 and I was still in high school but I still managed to graduate and be done with my high school years. I am now attending college at the Dodge City community college and still have to be responsible of my two brothers and my own daughter am a single mother and am doing it on my own but I know from above I have my guardian angel looking over us and protecting us and giving us the strength to Stay strong and not give up cause I know in the future we have good times coming towards us! I love you mom! We miss you so much!

  • Kamloops by Kamloops, BECAUSE
  • 12 years ago

My mom passed away a year ago from liver cancer. A day doesn't go by that I don't remember her smile, her dimples, her crazy sayings, the jokes that never had the punchline quite right. Always there for me even if we never said a word. I miss her terribly. This poem says it all. I love you mom <3

  • Jessica by Jessica, Odessa Tx
  • 12 years ago

I didn't lose my mother I lost my big sister. It's been six years that the lord called her home and its been a hard six years as she left my 9 year old niece (at the time) now she is a 16 years old a beautiful lil women reminds me of my sister, looks like her and acts just like her. I showed her this poem as we both sat and cried are eyes out hoping one day she will come back to us.

  • Keri Hughes by Keri Hughes, Manchester
  • 12 years ago

My Mum and Dad so fit and healthy with a zest for life and living it to the full. I loved them as parents unconditionally, and I had the pleasure of loving them for the people they were. My Dad died of Lung Cancer in March 2009. From diagnosis to death it was quick, 6 months. It may sound wrong, but I am glad it was quick, my Dad was proud and I didn't want to see him suffer or loose his dignity. He never did. So when my Mum was diagnosed with Stomach Cancer in May 2011, every part of my world fell apart. My Mum died July 14th 2011, we barely had time to catch our breaths. I spent every last waking moment with my Mum and held her hand when she died. She was so brave as was my Dad. Neither one of them questioned why. Just 67 and 66 young, and they were young. The death of my Mum & Dad thankfully gave me a belief that their is a special place where our spirits go after death. I know that they are together again, I know they are watching over me. I love you both so very much X

  • John M by John M, Syracuse
  • 12 years ago

My mom died July 23rd 2011, and the 1 year anniversary of her death is coming up soon and I miss her terribly every day, I miss our conversations, I miss being able to confide in her when something was bothering me, her kind encouraging words of advice, her hugs, her company, all the good times we had together over the years. She was everything to me, I was happy when she was here, now she's gone, and so is my happiness. I'm all alone now, I'm single, never married and I'm terribly lonely. I don't want to go on in my life, now that she's gone, I wished I was with her wherever she is. I have a long road ahead before I'm anything close to happy again. Even though she's gone I still love her with all my hearts,and always will. I'll miss you always to the day that god calls me home and we meet again and can be together in happiness in heaven forever. Until that day comes, goodbye for now mom, I love you.

  • Mar by Mar
  • 8 years ago

I can totally relate to this. My mom was my whole world. She was the kindest, smartest, most loving person ever. Everybody envied me for having such a mother. She recently died of an unaided heart attack leaving me all alone in this world. I mean ALL ALONE. The pain is unbelievable. I'm surprised I can function at all. I too, don't see any point in living anymore. People who have more family members, spouses, children really don't get it. I wish God took us both at the same time. Living without her isn't living. I hope the Lord will invite me to join him/her soon.

  • Kelvin by Kelvin, Las Vegas
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mom 2/19/2012. I was told I would have at least 6 months with her but only got 4 days with her awake and 2 days with her sleeping and dying...Stood at the foot of my mom's bed as she took her last breath...Was the hardest thing that I could Ever do was to watch her die. But I was glad that on Friday 2/17/2012 I was able to hear mom speak with Jesus, I miss her so much she was my best friend I could tell mom anything and we would sit for hours and talk. Not a day goes by that I don't think of mom and miss all the good times we had together. But I know she is in heaven with my brother that I lost June 15 2006...Miss you Both can't wait to be with you both....Love you Mom and I Love you Chris

  • Riverside by Riverside, California
  • 13 years ago

I lost my mom eight days ago (2/10/12). We are preparing for her services which are to occur on 2/21. She had been experiencing poor health and had endured much pain for years, but it was still such a shock when she passed. My family and I miss her terribly and are having difficulty coping with her loss. You'll be forever in our hearts mom. We love and miss you.

  • Miriam by Miriam
  • 13 years ago

My mom passed away 4 years ago today (Feb 14). Life will never be the same, and it seems the memories hurt even more as each year passes. She broke my heart on Valentine's Day, and it's just not the same without her. I think of her always and wish she was here. She was my little mommy, but she had the strength that I will never measure up to. Loving you always.

  • Baltimore by Baltimore, Md
  • 13 years ago

It will be one year ago tomorrow that my mom went home to the Lord. She left us on Valentine's Day 2011. After a long struggle from many strokes my family was told by the doctors three months before, that she only had months to live. It was the hardest thing for me to accept. This could not be happening to my family as we needed her so. My dad, brother and I were with her when she passed, holding her hands and stroking her brow. Though, the hardest thing to see a loved on leave this world, I have been blessed to be able to have been with her, to say goodbye knowing she was not alone. My dad has been a pillar of strength and I know he misses her terribly after almost 56 years of marriage. I LOVE AND MISS YOU MOM. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY FROM YOUR DAUGHTER Gloria

  • Patricia Ryan by Patricia Ryan
  • 13 years ago

My mom went to heaven on September 18, 2011, she was my best friend, I know now she is guiding me thru life, I miss our daily talks, I could talk to my mom about anything. Miss you, Mom.

  • Allison Gould by Allison Gould, New York
  • 13 years ago

I also lost my mom to heart disease. She was the most incredible mom ever and a great grandma to my children. I miss her so much and can not believe that she is gone over a year ago. Her birthday is coming up and all I want to say is that I love her very much and miss her every day and that I hope she has a great birthday in heaven. Love you. Love, Your daughter

  • Gloria by Gloria, Nauru Island
  • 13 years ago

I just lost my mother early this year on the 5th of February 2011. She was diagnosed last year May 2010 with lung cancer and query stroke. Her wish is, her only daughter to take full time care, it was a hard struggle for me yet our bond is getting stronger as she grows weaker. I miss her every now and then.

  • Valerie Bailey by Valerie Bailey
  • 14 years ago

My Mom passed on March 7 2009! She was always looking out for her kids, and other people. She always had a smile on her face. She is truly missed by everyone that new her. My Dad said he didn't know what he would do without her. I told him! He has memories of her, and he will see her again one day. God Bless you Mom.

  • Elizabeth by Elizabeth, SW Florida
  • 14 years ago

As I sit here crying trying to find words for the burial of my Father-in-Law & his brother, my dear Uncle; I just had to go to the Mom and Dad's poems and after thirteen years for Mommy and 36 for my Daddy; my heart hearts, but I thank you for putting your feelings out there.

  • Marie Ganegoda by Marie Ganegoda, Sri Lanka
  • 14 years ago

I Lost my Mum 2 months back. Dec 6th 2010. Something we never expected. She celebrated her 82nd BD in October with us. In November she became suddenly ill but we never thought it was terrible with her. She had been very lively, active, humorous, independent- she had never been ill so we misunderstood her strength and when I felt that she was feeling a bit weak I thought it was due to her age and did not question her. Then all of a suddenly when she started vomiting, at that time too me and my family thought it was some mild sickness. When she was taken to doctors it seemed her both kidneys were damaged. Exactly for 2 weeks she was in hospital during which time she had 5 dialysis sessions. She breathed her last on 6th Dec around 7 am peacefully, even my sister who was standing near her was not aware of it. Lucky for her but sad for us. Me, my sister and brother never thought we would miss her so much. Your poem is exactly the words bubbling inside my heart.

  • Carlie Gardner by Carlie Gardner
  • 14 years ago

See I never lost my mother but I did lose my grandmother. I miss her so very much. I remember the day I lost her. I was in school and on my way home. As we were coming up to the bus stop something didn't feel right. I walked home and sat on my front porch watching the cars go bye. My dad soon got home and came onto the porch and told me she had died in the morning. (she died of cancer) I cried my eyes out for days straight. She was the one person I could talk to. I trusted her she was everything to me. I never even got to say goodbye because well she wasn't in her right mind so my parents were afraid she would say something that would offend me or she would......die in front of me. I cry all the time especially on Christmas and the anniversary of her death. Christmas was her favorite holiday and I can't bear being without her. My heart hurts when ever I think about her.

  • Trisha Galsgow by Trisha Galsgow
  • 14 years ago

I lost my mother in a car crash when she was on her way too work and I couldn't bear the pain I am only 14. I cry every night.

  • Marcy Williams by Marcy Williams, England Uk
  • 14 years ago

on the 8th of November of this year my sister passed away she had cancer which they state was unknown, like many here the pain and anger I feel losing my baby sister is so painful, I have to do eulogy which I am struggling to put together, but some of the poems I have read has given me all the right words to say, I am touched by each and everyone's poem and passionate for every loss, I ask that on the 26th of this month when we lay my sister to rest you pray for me and my family to get through this day and to be strong, god bless you all

  • Shella Marie by Shella Marie, Philippines
  • 14 years ago

I just want to say that I loved your poem... I lost my mom last Oct. 25, 2008. I'm only 24 yrs old then, that's why it is so hard. It's been two years and yet there are times that I still can't accept she's gone. There are moments, especially when I'm alone, I cry my heart out loud. The thing of missing my mom always makes me cry. I love her so much and I know one day, if it's already my time, we'll be together again. God bless!

  • Gisele Vincent-Page by Gisele Vincent-Page
  • 14 years ago

This poem touches me deeply because I can hear my daughter's words and feel her grief because I am the dying mother. I feel my daughter's pain in these words.

  • Brooke by Brooke
  • 14 years ago

For the second time this year I am going to be reading this most "heartfelt" poem. This past March 2010 I read it when my Mother passed and now this week I will be be reading it for another dear Mother who I grew to know like my own when dating a former boyfriend over 20 years ago! This poem touches not just the reader meaning me but those I share it with...and for this I look forward to reading it again.

  • Bloemfontein by Bloemfontein, South Africa
  • 14 years ago

On this day, 3 Nov 2005 I said goodbye to my loving Mom. It is now five years now since that fateful day. This poem speaks to me because I also knew that she was going to die but it was hard to believe and accept it until the afternoon of that day when I received a call from the hospital that she has departed. I had a chance to say goodbye but I refused to say it, hoping that she will not go. I always remember all the good things she taught me, her smile, always jovial and full of confidence. Her position in my heart will forever remain vacant. I MISS YOU MOM, ROSELINE. May her soul rest in peace.

  • Corpus by Corpus, Tx
  • 14 years ago

I read this poem today and like always God put this in my path today. Today is the day I finally cried.. My mom died in 1995 and I was never able to cry. Thank you so much I know my Mom is in a better place. However I miss my Best Friend/Mom.
Thank you so much... it was perfect timing. I love how god works in mysterious ways...

  • 14 years ago

I lost my grandmother, whom I loved more than life. Not a day goes by that I still cry and hurt all over. It's been 30 years and I still feel the pain. They say that time heals , but I do not believe that. Every day I try to get by and remember her sweet smile and beautiful eyes, they were so blue. I remember the love that she gave me. I was her favorite granddaughter and nobody has ever made me feel so special. She was the BEST and I shall always miss her.

  • Emma by Emma, KY
  • 14 years ago

I just wanted to say this was a beautiful poem. I felt your heart breaking as mine was breaking as I read along. I lost my mom over 15 years ago. I still miss her as if it was yesterday. Sometimes when I'm all alone and its quiet. I will think about her and a calmness comes over me. I think at this time she is holding me telling me about her day and telling me everything will be ok with me too. I can even smell her perfume. Even though I miss her as much as I do, I would never want her to come back even for one moment knowing the pain she was in. I have peace in my heart knowing she is in heaven watching over me, waiting for the day we meet again. I want to be with her sooner than later, but I'll have learned I need to be patient my day will come and I will get to see her smiling face. God bless you.

  • Sheila Conway by Sheila Conway
  • 14 years ago

I too have lost my mom and it still seems like just yesterday. I am missing her so much right now, I need to talk to her and I need her guidance, and most of all I need her hugs R.I.P. moma

  • Darlene Calgary by Darlene Calgary
  • 15 years ago

Our Mother was taken from us way to soon! Her life was just beginning again they said 2 days to 2 weeks, she loved us everyday for 5 months! Mothers are the one constant reminder of where we came from, where to go and that unconditional love no matter what you do or say! My sister and I share a special bond that will never be broken we gave up our own families and moved in to take care of her! Her only wish was to have her only two daughters by her side looking after her until she passed. We fulfilled this promise and she went to a better place with us holding onto her up until her last breath. We love her now and forever and there is not a moment that goes by that we don't remember something special you have said or done! God Bless you Mom! We love you with all our hearts!

  • Missy by Missy
  • 15 years ago

I lost my mother to lung cancer on October 25, 2006. She had been diagnosed with it on January 1st of that year. It was a long hard struggle, for all of us. I just read this poem you wrote for your mother and I couldn't help but think how much it parallels my own thoughts and feelings. I am planning my wedding, to take place in September, and her absence is felt all the more. My sincere condolences on the loss of your mother. May it bring you peace and comfort to know that she is walking with Jesus. One day we will be with them again and NOTHING will ever part us again.

God Bless!

  • Stacy Cummings by Stacy Cummings
  • 16 years ago

I am coming up on the first year anniversary of losing my precious mother who was taking from me too soon from an illness that will soon take me too. There has not been one day since her passing that I have not cried and wondered why such a beautiful soul had to go. No matter how old you are your mother is the one constant in your life and when she is gone there is a whole in your soul that can never be filled. I miss you Mama.

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