Death Poem by Teens

Teen Loss Of A Father

My dad passed away when I was six, and I still think about him every day. He died of a heart attack, and I never got to say goodbye. I am 15 now and really wish he was here, but I know he can't be. I know that he's watching over me and protecting me as best he can. I wrote this poem in memory of him, and I hope you like it.

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I Love You, Dad


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2016 with permission of the Author.

Memories are all I have
and some pictures too,
but those can't make up for
all the years without you.

My first dance recital
you could not attend,
and all the years after
you have been in heaven.

No father-daughter dances or
a treehouse just for me,
no one to walk me down the aisle
as far as I can see.

You wish you were here,
but you cannot be.
You were taken too early,
but you're watching over me.

The 31st of January,
the day that you had passed,
is a day that I cannot sleep;
it's the day I saw you last.

It's hard not to miss you.
Sometimes I have to cry.
Even when you're not there,
I know you're standing by.

The last thing that I said
made me very sad.
I gave you a kiss
and said, "I love you, Dad."


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