Poem for Her

You Changed My View On Love

I have a great crush on a beautiful girl, so I wrote this.

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My beloved woman is a black African from Uganda. It is the greatest miracle in the universe! I use the poetry here to dedicate to her every day before going to work and show how grateful I am...

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I Love You


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2020 with permission of the Author.

I praise God for sending me you, my love.
I praise him for changing my view.
Now you are here with me, and I'm here with you.
Now will you let me love you?

I always thought that love was wrong,
But everything changed when you came along.
For the rest of my life, I want to be with you,
To touch your hand and stay with you.

I'll stay beside you, honest and true.
Till the end of my time, I will always love you.
In my lifetime, I'll never leave you.
Now and forever, I'll be there for you.

Love is divine, mine is true.
I love you more than I ever knew.
Will you please let me love you?

I thank God for letting me see you.
I thank Him for giving me you.
Now I want to shout that I love you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Martin Chriss by Martin Chriss
  • 3 years ago

My beloved woman is a black African from Uganda. It is the greatest miracle in the universe! I use the poetry here to dedicate to her every day before going to work and show how grateful I am to her and to fate that she has become a part of my life! You are a real miracle, my darling!

  • Tristian Byrne by Tristian Byrne
  • 4 years ago

I saw this poem, and it touched me very deeply. I just sent this to someone that I wish can be mine soon. We only meet a month ago, but we want to take this slow. And I really do think God meant for us to be together. I hope by showing her this, it will touch her to as it did me.

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