Father Poem

I Love My Daddy Poem

I dedicate this poem to my daddy who has never hurt me, always respected me and understands me. Never has told on me and is always close to save me. The truth is, I doubt there is a better daddy than mine. He is one of a kind.

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I love my Daddy so much. He was my best friend. I love him so much. I still cry. I won't get another best friend. It hurts too much. I try to be the best person I can be and would help anyone...

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My Hero, Best Friend, My Daddy


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2008 with permission of the Author.

My daddy looks tough as nails
And hard as metal.
But the truth is easy to tell
He's sweet and loving
And can always understand me.
Patient he is,
And he always makes a big difference in my everyday life.
Always managing to put a smile on my face.
Even when his days aren't so good.
My daddy is my hero.
He is my best friend I can always trust,
And I don't have to worry about being misjudged.
He is my daddy,
And above everybody, he is who makes me feel very happy.
The truth is, I love my daddy.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Stella Reagan Cole by Stella Reagan Cole
  • 6 years ago

I love my Daddy so much. He was my best friend. I love him so much. I still cry. I won't get another best friend. It hurts too much. I try to be the best person I can be and would help anyone if I can, but I feel like I'm not good enough. Every time I turn around, someone is trying to scam me and saying something about who I really am to others and the things that I suffer with. It's all lies, but I know the truth. I'm in the process of getting my life back on track. Happy Veterans Day. God bless America and men and women who fight for our freedom!

  • Sneha Boodhooa by Sneha Boodhooa, Mauritius
  • 10 years ago

I am a girl of thirteen years old and my dad is 52 years old but still am always touched by the way he is...my defender, my savior the best my dad for short but long form MY GOD. My dad may not buy a shirt for himself, to buy me whatever I want...we are rich but he always proved that he can drop his dreams and desires to fulfill mine. I can proudly say that that yes he is MY DAD

  • Jamaican Girl by Jamaican Girl
  • 7 years ago

That is wonderful. l think that if your dad is willing to do that, he is a one of a kind.

  • Shriya Hyderabad by Shriya Hyderabad
  • 10 years ago

I am 13 years old. My father my hero and my best friend. I am happy to get a father like him. He is the man who understand me more than I understand my self. Love you daddy

  • Brianna by Brianna, Tyler
  • 10 years ago

My father was a man everyone loved. Actually he was my grandfather and after my dad died when I was 8 he took his place as a important male figure and I started calling him my father. He gave and gave so much. I loved him like no other. He did everything for me. On Feb.14, 2014 my life changed when he got very sick and passed. I miss him so much and no other man will take his place.

  • Angela by Angela
  • 10 years ago

Growing up my dad was this big, strong, hard working, smart but a very loving man. He always made me feel loved even if I did realize it at the time.
He was always there for me. He picked me up if I fell, brushed away my tears when I was hurt, if I was sick he was by my side, when I was sad he made me laugh and if I was scared he held me in his arms to make me feel safe. Most importantly what he gave me was his undying love.
So when I think about my father there is only one word that can describe who my father was to me growing up and who he still is to me today, that word is my HERO. Daddy, I want you to know you will always and forever be my HERO!
I couldn't have asked for a better, more understanding and loving father.
Many, many more to come.
I love you always, forever and a day!

  • Polokwane by Polokwane
  • 10 years ago

I love my father even though he was never there to raise me up since my family wouldn't let him to raise me , but I am grateful to have him as a father now and continue to cherish our love for one another, love my father to death.

  • Rebecca A. Tarpeh by Rebecca A. Tarpeh
  • 11 years ago

I love my daddy, he is a wonderful person in my life. Thank you Lord for giving me a wonderful dad.

  • Maisie Fleming by Maisie Fleming
  • 11 years ago

I love my dad and I nearly didn't have a dad as he nearly died of cancer. We don't know how lucky we are to have fathers.

  • Arjun by Arjun
  • 11 years ago

I miss my Daddy everyday. I never realized how much he gave to me and how much he loved me until he was gone. In that instant I remembered every loving word and look that I had taken for granted and wished I had just one more chance to tell him how much I love him, how proud of him I am and how much of an honor it is to be his daughter.

  • Shea Bammer by Shea Bammer, Peterson
  • 11 years ago

I miss my Daddy everyday. I never realized how much he gave to me and how much he loved me until he was gone. In that instant I remembered every loving word and look that I had taken for granted and wished I had just one more chance to tell him how much I love him, how proud of him I am and how much of an honor it is to be his daughter.

  • Krisitna Reynolds by Krisitna Reynolds, Huntingdon
  • 12 years ago

Almost 24 years ago my father walked out of my life and wanted nothing to do with me. He left my mom when he found out she was pregnant with me. When I was 13 I got to meet him for the first time. I was happy. Last year on Valentine's Day he decided that he wanted me out of his life again because his new family was more important to him. Than just the other day he realized that he had made a huge mistake and asked me for his forgiveness and I forgave him. It was one of the best decisions I have made.

  • Dsmith by Dsmith
  • 13 years ago

I love my daddy. Everything about him. He's there and always was. When I quit smoking, attempted suicide he never judged me. Although his heart might have been broken when he'd seen me that way, he'd never tell me. He protects me. I am always his little girl. He will fight for me. I love the petnames he calls me. I wouldn't be ashamed if he called me boo-boo, princess, or just baby in public. I have so much pride in my daddy!

  • Michelle Archilla by Michelle Archilla
  • 8 years ago

Beautiful. I love mine too. Connected. Ethereal love.

  • Rio by Rio
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem I used it in a PowerPoint for my dad I just changed the Happy Birthday to Happy Christmas and the dad to daddy. thank you for this poem it did a great help!! x :)

  • Lisa Anderson by Lisa Anderson
  • 14 years ago

I wish my dad a Happy Birthday.. My dad is always by my side... He is good listener and he tries to give you advice when you need it... Thats why I love my dad...

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