Hurting Poem by Teens

I wrote this poem due to me feeling alone inside recently. Two of my very close friends who used to hate each other are becoming really close. and they're leaving me in the dust. Right now they are having a sleep over... loneliness was my muse.

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I Know Loneliness


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2013 with permission of the Author.

I know all about my ABC's and 123's,
but I don't know how to just be me.
I know I have a heart,
but I don't know why it's so easily ripped apart.
I know that life may sometimes be hard,
but I don't know why I look like a big tub of lard.
I know how to not get burnt,
but I don't know how to not get hurt.
I know I have to work on happiness and pride,
but I don't know if my friends will always be by my side.
I know it is a sin to lie,
but I don't know how to see happy people and not cry.
I know people think I'm gorgeous in-and-out side,
but I don't know have to not call it a lie.
I guess it's time to go with the flow.
Because sometimes I just don't know.


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