Forgiveness Poem about Love

The Faith We Possess For Love

This poem is very close to my heart. It reveals my character, my faith, and my trust. I have poured out all that was inside me through this poem, and I hope you enjoy reading it.

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He left me for a year. I loved him the same. I waited for him to come back. He came back. He broke my heart again. He wasn't sorry. He made it look like it was my fault. He mocked me. He...

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I Forgive You

© more by Shambhavi Singh

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2016 with permission of the Author.

Tears rolled down her cheeks,
for she was betrayed again.
Her heart shrunk, yes.
She felt the pain.
Deliberately was it done
to hurt her.
He succeeded.
She was broken,
but not into a million pieces.
Just one part,
the part which held her faith.
She had lost her trust in love,
so she promised to build one again.
She wiped off her tears
and gently said,


more by Shambhavi Singh

  • Stories 2
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Dark Essence by Dark Essence
  • 3 years ago

He left me for a year. I loved him the same. I waited for him to come back. He came back. He broke my heart again. He wasn't sorry. He made it look like it was my fault. He mocked me. He abused me emotionally. I still suffer from anxiety. He never apologised. He seemed happy with my misery. Yet all I could do was whisper, "I forgive you, from the bottom of my heart I wish you well."

  • Quiries by Quiries
  • 8 years ago

She woke up and broke up with me on Christmas day, and after that she didn't even walk away. She told me I was broken and never gonna make it, and I told her give me some time. I know that one day I am gonna make it. She said no, that she can't 'cause right now she has gotten another man. Sigh, but today I've moved on and forgotten about her.

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