Forgiveness Poem about Love

I often write about past or present relationships. This poem was written about somebody special to me for a number of years who had a moment of indiscretion partly due to being deceived. Struggling with a solution, I thought back to what was the best thing I admired about her. The smile, her smile, flooded my mind over and over, and I knew at that moment that I wanted to see that smile again, so because of that smile, I forgave her and we had many more wonderful times together.

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The Smile


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2010 with permission of the Author.

Bronze shadows pallid against the tears of time
casting wonder on faceless images void of depth.
She walked with poise and grace as the hour rang
calling my name, a warm filled tune on endless breath.

The moment was brief yet set in unbridled granite,
so there was no hope of breaking her binding grasp.
Cascading memories from life's immortal chasms
brought a peace I knew her heart could make last.

When the darkness crept in to steal her away
by deception disguised as worthwhile gain,
the pain endured and weeping waves spent
tried to end our dream with unrequited blame.

Stoical visions danced candidly through the grief,
numbing expansions of wondrous times gone past.
Fighting the loveless demon that tore her astray
I was deciding the fate of a tumultuous caste.

Quietly I watched her silken and sultry moves,
the same as seen the years since our eyes met.
Weighing the countless graciousness from the err,
I realized with her smile she had paid her debt.


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