Sweet Love Poem

This was inspired by my wife of 30 years. We are aging, that we both know is true. Pains and physical changes that we cannot stop or control are now coming to us. I spent a Sunday morning before I left for church watching her sleep, which she never knew (but will when she reads this) and when I awoke her I gave her a massage to help her feel good about starting her day. I would do this for her every day if she would just let me.

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The March will be my wife and my 40th Wedding Anniversary and I love her more and more as time goes by. I did not believe this was possible, but from my point of view, it has been said that...

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Devoted To Love And Care For You

© more by Danny Blackburn

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

I got up early this morning and put the coffee on
It was a beautiful morning, a Sunday morning dawn

I made the coffee, two cups, one for me and one for you
I brought them back to our bed, but to awake you I could not do

I placed the two cups on the table next to our bed
You did not know that I laid back down at the foot of the bed

I watched as you laid there asleep and so peaceful
I watched you, thinking to myself and God that you are so beautiful

I watched as you dreamed, the movement of your eyes and often a little smile
You looked amazing there so beautiful, you never knew I was there all the while

I watched the sunlight flicker on your beautiful face
I watched you lay there, for me a beautiful place

I then got up and placed hot water on towels in the tub
I had planed you a Sunday morning massage, a good rub

I finally awoke you about an hour after I had awaken
You never knew the time that I had taken

Time to admire your beauty, your peace as you did sleep
Truly loving each minute and building a memory to keep

I gave you your coffee in bed
"Oh, that's cold," was what you said

You had no idea what I had been doing up all that time
I could not wake you and admired as you slept, so peaceful and fine

I brought more coffee and this time it was hot
I was sorry it was cold, I should have thought

I took off your night shirt, you yet knew my plans
I placed a hot towel on your back, rubbed it in with my hands

Next was a hot oil massage rubbed in with love
Something that I must do for my angel sent from above

You often say, "You don't have to do this"
Trust me when I say if I did not it is something I would miss

It gives me the ability to express my love in a gentle and caring way
Something that I want to do for you each day

It gives me a chance to touch your body so soft and so beautiful
Something that I want to do, it is called being thoughtful

I know that you are at times in great pain, I am here for you
I hope you know that I would take the pain from you, I love you true

If my touch through a massage brings you relief and pleasure
Please let me do that for you, it means more to me than you can measure

You know that I pray, God is listening from up above
I pray that you know that I do these things out of love

I am your husband true and devoted to love and to care for you
You are my everything, my love, my life, my world, please know this is true

As your husband I am to honor and respect you and ensure that no harm comes to you
A husband should be willing to give his life for his wife, I will give my life for you in all that I do


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • William M. Mcclary by William M. Mcclary, Puerto Rico
  • 10 years ago

The March will be my wife and my 40th Wedding Anniversary and I love her more and more as time goes by. I did not believe this was possible, but from my point of view, it has been said that there is someone out there for everyone. I believe that because I found mine 41 years ago. The only way this was possible is if GOD wanted us to be together. This was truly a match made in heaven and I did not even need eHarmony or Match.com to find my heart and soul mate.

  • Carla by Carla
  • 11 years ago

I am in tears. I wish I had a husband who cared and loved me so deeply. Your wife is a lucky woman.

  • Willa by Willa, Brooklyn
  • 13 years ago

Wow. That was an awesome poem. You really are a caring person. Your wife would be really pleased to read this poem. Congrats! Hope you two will be forever happy and satisfied!

  • Baby by Baby, Clintonville Wisconsin
  • 13 years ago

This story touched me because my boyfriend and I have been together two and a half years and he is already planning our "aging life" for us. He is so sweet!

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