Short Sad Poem

My life is a HUGE pain. No one makes me happy. They just break me down more and more every day. Maybe life is a lesson. Everything is the same to me. Love/hate. Being silent/or noisy. It's all the same.

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My heart bleeds for joy and my mind cries for help. I wish, I wish, and wish some more, but it's hard to be happy. I might wish, but it never comes true, so all I do is live with the pain by...

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Hurt And Pain


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2011 with permission of the Author.

Hurt and pain.
There's much to gain.
Peace and love.
It's all the same.
Confusion and doubt.
We're not without.
We weep, we cry.
We plead, we try.
We laugh, we smile.
Only to be hurt
By one last trial.
Life is a lesson,
So learn it well.
Maybe one day
You can tell its tale.


  • Stories 8
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  • Rating 4.37
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Shreya Mishra by Shreya Mishra
  • 3 years ago

People say I don't have feelings when they tell me their story and I laugh. Nobody asks me why I'm laughing. I'm in pain, but I'm trying to hide it with a smile because nobody is here to listen. My love, my friends and best friends, my family all leave me. My family wants good marks on exams. My best friend and friends want my attention. At this time I only have my soul and music, but sometimes lyrics hits me a lot.

  • Johanna D Francis by Johanna D Francis, Manchester ,Jamaica
  • 8 years ago

My heart bleeds for joy and my mind cries for help. I wish, I wish, and wish some more, but it's hard to be happy. I might wish, but it never comes true, so all I do is live with the pain by being the pain. My body feels, but I don't know what it is. My heart is broken, but what's the reason. I smile but I'm not happy. I don't cry, but I feel like I want to. I'm like a tree. They cut me, but I don't make a sound. Although I need air, sun and water, I feel dead inside. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really alive.

  • Helen Wright by Helen Wright
  • 8 years ago

This is how I feel. Your words I can feel inside. My heart aches when I hear of the pain so many go through.

  • Samantha De Vries by Samantha De Vries, Germany
  • 9 years ago

I have somehow a connection to this poem and like it. I hope the others don't suffer too much like the one in this poem.

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 5 years ago

I feel connections with this poem!! This poem speaks to me! I'm suffering from chronic depression.

  • Jessica Kidby by Jessica Kidby, New Plymouth
  • 9 years ago

I feel this story. I am 12 and suffer from really bad depression, anxiety and anorexia. I don't know why I like this poem so much but I feel like it has a connection with me. I just feel like these words have needed to be said for a while and now they have been, so I'm happy about that. Thank you a lot to whoever wrote this.

  • Erismeilin Ramos by Erismeilin Ramos
  • 5 years ago

My eyes close. I'm losing myself thinking about the time I will be happy again and be able to be happy. Not fake smiling to make other people happy.

  • Shavon N. Rivera by Shavon N. Rivera, dickinson tx
  • 8 years ago

Just know you're loved. I am 13 now and I struggle with bipolar disorder and severe depression. I used to cut myself, I've been in and out of mental hospitals. I just got released from juvie, and I understand your pain. I am adopted as well.

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