Mother Daughter Poem

Appreciation Poem To A Mother

In mourning and tribute to a close and binding relationship

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This poem is so touching I lost my mom 7 years ago reading this poem brings tears in my eyes I miss my mom so so so much. Only if my mom was here today to see my princess her beautiful first...

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Her Eyes


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

Gone are the eyes that watched me grow
The eyes that were able to see into my soul
Together we climbed mountains and made it through the pain
Only to find out that someday it would be forever changed

As you've gotten weaker, I've gotten stronger
Able to take care of myself even though I didn't want to

You'd be proud of my wit, my confidence and my charm
People say I'm just like you and I know all about your charms
The eyes are in my heart, the eyes that saw my soul
But gone are the beautiful eyes, the eyes that watched me grow


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sam by Sam
  • 11 years ago

This poem is so touching I lost my mom 7 years ago reading this poem brings tears in my eyes I miss my mom so so so much. Only if my mom was here today to see my princess her beautiful first granddaughter. Mom I LOVE YOU xxx

  • Susan by Susan
  • 11 years ago

On December 20, 2013 my mom will be dead 24 years. She was 57 when she died of lung cancer. I just turned 57 a few weeks ago. Its a bit unsettling being the age that your mom died. Lots of tears and heart ache this time of year. I just wish I could feel her presence.

Love you mom.

  • Lucy Nocella by Lucy Nocella
  • 12 years ago

What a lovely poem but sad. I don't know what I will do without my mom? She means the world to me. As I was growing up she was always their to clean my scrapes, wipe my tears, always made home cooked meals, she sit and listen to my silly stories. The teen years were a hard for both of us. Now she helps me with my autistic 12 year daughter and my mom still listens to my silly stories. Through the years we have helped each other.
Lucy Nocella

  • De Vera by De Vera, Penrose Colorado
  • 12 years ago

I just lost my mom March 27th, 2012. My dad passed away April 19, 2011. Since he passed I stopped working so that I could help my mom get through this, but to only find out that she too was dying. This poem is exactly how I felt. Thank you.

  • Susan Peirano by Susan Peirano, Pickeirnton Ohio
  • 14 years ago

I lost my mom 3 months ago, and this poem touched me. Thanks

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