Wedding Poem

Mixed Emotions From The Father Of The Bride

The mixed emotions of a father on his daughter's wedding day.

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This is exactly what I went through the day of my daughter's wedding. Tears and a sort of rage that her new husband was taking her away from me. I questioned whether he could protect her as I...

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Heirloom Of Love

© more by Angie

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

There she sits before her mirror,
Primping in excitement, her face flushed.
Today is her day; she will never know
How much I hurt, how scared I am
Of the void she will leave behind.

Will she forget me? I'll be replaced
By someone new, someone who makes her heart
Dance in her chest, a drumbeat.
Will he, can he protect her as I've done?
I have no choice but to trust...

I seethe with an almost-rage,
An unfounded, illogical jealousy, an anger
For what he is taking from me.
I am selfish. She is my joy, my life
I would die for her.

Today I will. A thousand times.

Then she turns to look at me.
In her beautiful face I see worry.
For me? She sees the unspilled tears
She knows. Of course, she knows.
She comes to me.

And with the smallest kiss, the subtle smile
All is well. She is still mine.
She will always be mine
In a different and wonderful way.
She is a part of me.

She will move on, she will give others joy,
And I am comforted knowing her goodness
Will be shared by everyone she touches,
And I am okay and proud, and I take her hand
To give her to her love, her new life.

I swell with almost unbearable pride
To have created something so perfect!
She was never mine to keep, this supreme being
Perfect to me. Shining, golden, priceless...
My heirloom of love.

And there he goes, that handsome, kind man
With his new bride, my daughter, my soul.
Does he know what has been passed to him?
He could not know, not yet,
But time will show him; he will realize.

Someday it will be his turn.
He will have to pass her essence on,
In his daughter, my granddaughter,
Our heirloom of love.
Will he weep? With loss, with anger?

Will he sit alone in his daughter's room
Filled with love and happiness...sadness?
No, content. A deep breath will help him stand
As I do now, and I walk with trembling lips
And chin held high. I leave this room.

I close the door.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jennifer by Jennifer
  • 6 years ago

This is exactly what I went through the day of my daughter's wedding. Tears and a sort of rage that her new husband was taking her away from me. I questioned whether he could protect her as I had always done. But, like the poet, I settled into a warm pride knowing that she would be part of a new family and would touch all those lives as well. I didn't know others felt that way until I read this poem.

  • Deepak by Deepak
  • 11 years ago

I am not the bride's dad but brother....and I found this poem extremely emotional...I literally had tears in my eyes while reading this... love it

  • Myke by Myke
  • 9 years ago

I was asked to do a reading for my Daughter's wedding last week - I anguished over this and hit the net to find something that expressed my sentiments for this, my only daughter's special day. I did not want to detract any attention away from my beautiful little girl's day . . . I came across this poem and knew immediately that this was the one. My biggest challenge was to NOT break down and cry while reading it. I had to literally read it through many, many times so that nothing in it would catch me by surprise! I DID IT with only one catch in my voice! I would so like to know the author so that I can thank her/him for expressing my feelings so completely.

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