God Poem

Poem About Where God Is Found

One Sunday at Mass, Father John Carney at St. Mary's Church in Panama, (Rep. of Panama) gave his usual sermon. But something in what he said hit me so powerfully that I came home and wrote this poem that I now share with you. I hope you will perceive God as I did on that Sunday through the words of an inspirational priest.

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I have never seen God in this light. Thank you for showing me how easy it is to find God. I have been searching for Him all my life.

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Analysis of Form and Technique

He Is There


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

God comes to us in quiet and simple ways.
He is there when the breeze rustles the palm fronds on a quiet, lazy, sunny afternoon.
When the raindrops softly patter on the thirsty tin roofs of the poor, he is there.

Look for him behind the laughing eyes of a child,
or smell him in blossoming jasmine flowers
on a clear and starry moonlit night.
Hold his hand when you take your love by the hand,
and feel the warmth of his tears
as you console a grieving friend in your arms.   

He is there in a baby's first cry
and in the dying man's last sigh.
When the waves break on the golden sands
and the seagulls fly into the white clouds,
when the church bells ring on an Easter Sunday
inviting you to receive the sacred brad, he is there.

Taste him when you bite into the yellow ripeness of a mango
or when you quench your thirst with sweet water of a coconut.
God comes to us only in quiet and simple ways.
Never his presence in violence will you find;
never look for him in words of anger or cowardly actions.

His love and his peace surround us, above and beyond.
And only in those simple, everyday things
when we look with our eyes filled with his love
can we find him.


Analysis of Form and Technique

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Techniques this poem uses:

  • This is an example of a free verse poem because it does not follow specific rules.
    Read more about free verse poems
  • This poem uses the five senses to add more description and create a picture in the mind of the reader.

    When the raindrops softly patter
    He is there in a baby's first cry

    Look for him behind the laughing eyes of a child
    When the waves break on the golden sands

    Or smell him in blossoming jasmine flowers

    Taste him when you bite into the yellow ripeness of a mango
    or when you quench your thirst with sweet water of a coconut.

    Hold his hand when you take your love by the hand
    and feel the warmth of his tears

    Read more about the 5 senses in poetry

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  • Gloria Samuel Peter by Gloria Samuel Peter
  • 4 years ago

I have never seen God in this light. Thank you for showing me how easy it is to find God. I have been searching for Him all my life.

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