Goodbye Love Poem

Goodbye After Divorce Poem

This poem is about the heartbreak of my wife walking out. We are in a divorce that I never wanted. Finally after two years I have accepted that she doesn't love me anymore, and this is my way of letting go of her.

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I know that this poem is intended for divorce but when my father died my Mum wanted a poem that summed up her feelings. They had been separated for 25 years but they stayed married. Still...

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The Boxes In The Hall


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

In every room of our time together there is a box
Of memories we shared.
Now is the time to pack away
With sadness and with care.

The first is a simple smile,
Whenever I thought of you.
Neatly folded into four,
It's the best that I could do.

Next are all the memories
Of the times when we were two,
Wrapped with love one by one,
Sealed with tears as glue.

And then there are the butterflies
I had when you were near,
Now in a cage of sadness
And locked up with a tear.

Next are the times we kissed,
Each one wrapped with a sigh,
Placed next to a rolled up list
Of all the times I've asked myself why.

Now to pack are the pieces of my heart,
Gathered in a pile.
Each one wrapped up tenderly
And placed next to a distant smile.

Finally all the shattered wishes,
Placed in softly so no more can break,
Covering them over trying not to cry
So they would not all ache.

Lastly walking round each room,
Closing each and every curtain,
Shutting each and every door,
Leaving behind each and ever pain.

Gathering up the memories we shared,
Making sure I've got them all,
Packing them softly because I cared,
Leaving them in the boxes in the hall.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kath Townsend by Kath Townsend
  • 4 years ago

So moving and insightful into the vast array of emotional turmoil that love can bring into the human psyche. Holding love in our hearts heals us, but then we have the pain of letting it go. Either way, it teaches us about love. A beautifully written poem that illustrates this very well.

  • Penny by Penny
  • 7 years ago

Hi, my husband and I have been arguing and it's getting worse.

  • Lorraine Sadd by Lorraine Sadd
  • 8 years ago

I know that this poem is intended for divorce but when my father died my Mum wanted a poem that summed up her feelings. They had been separated for 25 years but they stayed married. Still loved each other just couldn't be together. Mum is bedbound so unable to attend the funeral so I read this for her. It nearly broke my heart and I stumbled several times but it was perfect for a final goodbye from my mum.

I am so glad I found this for her. I read it every now and then and remember that my parents may not have been together but the love was there. I know my mum has kept a copy too. It may be complicated but this poem really helped. Thank you

  • Poca by Poca, WV
  • 11 years ago

My husband and I will be divorced in February. We have not lived together since August. I have never missed and loved someone so much. He is still living in our house. I packed up my things IN BOXES months ago. They are still there. I thought we could work things out. I will have to eventually get my things I'm just not ready yet. I know that unbearable pain. This is an awesome poem. The house is empty and when you do finally get your things, there is no going back. I'm just not ready yet.

  • Tracy by Tracy, St Petersburg Fl
  • 11 years ago

To my Husband of 14 years...We grew our families together and cherished our family life. Now that the children have grown and left the nest, you were empty - wanting more for yourself than I could give. You say it was not me, nor should I blame myself, but I can't stop wondering if I could have done something different. Did I miss the signals? We spoke twenty times a day, sharing every last detail on the phone, via text, or laying in each other's arms.

How my sadness has grown desperate, lost, choking, pain. Memories of your contagious laugh, your tender touch, your gentle confidence persist.

This poem has struck a chord in my heart to perhaps put away some of the sadness and wrap it in the happy memories we shared. A box of treasures - one day to be found.

  • Stephanie by Stephanie, Riverside CA
  • 12 years ago

Incredibly moving, so beautiful in its sadness. My marriage of 15 years is ending, and the pain is just so much more difficult than I could have ever imagined. I know my life will be better when this is all over, but the problem is that I don't WANT it to be over. Thank you so much for writing this, I feel lucky to have found it.

  • Cyndi by Cyndi, Nigeria
  • 12 years ago

You are the best poet in the world, I so relate to this poem and it such a lovely poem though so sad; thank you for writing this.

  • Kjartan by Kjartan, Norway
  • 12 years ago

Thank you.

My wife in 17 years, who gave me the 2 most perfect children in the world just told me that I am no longer welcome in her house...
This poem will be a fantastic help in my efforts to act like a grownup, and not as kid that lost the candy.

Thank you

  • Diva Dee by Diva Dee
  • 12 years ago

Very life right now. 12 years, 2 gorgeous's not easy to forget someone, you may never forget them. If something did or didn't happen, it did or didn't for a reason. Sometimes, it takes a heart break to learn what we really need and want in life, and its those who don't stop until they have just that 100% who truly succeed. You may no longer have the person but you have the lesson, the willpower, the knowledge and the reason to find someone that much better. You will always survive. Have faith and believe in yourself!

  • Tatiana by Tatiana, Belo Horizonte - Mg - Brazil
  • 12 years ago

Perfect poem for the perfect moment.. and that is exactly how I feel at the moment.. I met this young boy in Santiago Chile, he was travelling South America and I was on holidays. We shared amazing moments together, there was real love there... and I really thought we could get together again.. I keep wishing .. maybe not now .. but one day, anyway.. we just had a conversation and I realized he is not willing to do whatever it takes to make this come true.. sad thing.. so I have sent him this poem and made a decision to carry on with my life.. If is meant to be it will.. I am just not fantasizing anymore.. ;)

  • Ruby by Ruby, El Paso Texas
  • 12 years ago

This poem is beautiful and hits straight to your heart. Unfortunately love does not last as much as we really want it, it doesn't . With very much hurt I don't understand why my cheating ex would send me this poem it wasn't my choice to break our family and even then given chance after chance has become a game.. now I'm left to move on deal with a broken heart and broken family.. but have realized life goes on for the better

  • Eve by Eve, Australia
  • 12 years ago

I read this poem and cried because I have to leave the man I love and adore and it is so hard. When my day comes I will give him a copy of this poem so that he knows even though my heart is broken I will move on and be ok.

  • Lashonda D Jones by Lashonda D Jones
  • 5 years ago

I'm in the same process. I'm just thanking God it wasn't a marriage because then I would've been absolutely miserable. God is showing me the real him and I'm glad I am seeing it.

  • Brooke by Brooke, LA
  • 12 years ago

Thanks for this poem it really touched home for me. I am in the process of trying to let go of the man that I was engaged to. Someone that I love with all of my heart and who I have a child with. One of the hardest things for me is to let go. I keep telling myself it's time by my heart says another.

  • Makayla by Makayla, Massachusetts
  • 13 years ago

I read this and cried because I had to watch my dad pack and cry before he left because my mom kicked him out. This is one of the best poems ever because when you think about packing most think materials only true poets think smiles and memories. God bless and I hope this site is just your launching pad and you will soon soar.

  • Saira by Saira, London
  • 13 years ago

Me and boyfriend have been together for 9 months and now because of some family problems with his family and mine it's really hard for him to be with me because if he chooses to be with me he'll lose him family and I don't want to gain him by making his family lose their son their brother so I chose to let him go... I know that he can't find another girlfriend but he'll never find another family (mum, dad sister)
I love him... truly madly deeply do but I think it's about time I let him go. It's painful.. really is.. because not only am I going to lose my love but also my best friend. I don't know how my life will go on without him :( <3
it isn't divorce but whether we lose someone special coz of divorce or just a break up it always hurts like hell and this poem really did describe the pain of letting go :( :(

  • Robert by Robert, Scotland
  • 14 years ago

This poem describes exactly what I'm trying to do now with my life. A box of mixed memories, it's all I have left.

Thank you.

  • Sherri by Sherri, Arkansas
  • 14 years ago

It has been two and a half years since my husband walked out the door and decided he didn't want to be married anymore. He said he was looking for his own happiness, what ever that means. He shattered me badly, he hid it well until the day he left, and I am still in a state of shock and pain at times. This poem says so much to everything there was with us and the memories I do not want to remember anymore. Beautiful writing.

  • Adrian Baillie by Adrian Baillie Poet
  • 14 years ago

Nothing lasts forever when we think it will. This poem was my way of not reaching for the bottle. It was my way of letting go.
It seems so long since I wrote that poem and time they say does heal. This poem could be sent to all those ex husbands to give to their wives who are leaving them, or even wives whose husbands are leaving them. Love will always find a way.

  • Kistie-Lee by Kistie-Lee, Alberta Canada
  • 14 years ago

This is one of the best poems I have ever read.. and that is exactly what I feel I should do but I can't seem to let go.. I keep wishing and telling myself it will be ok.. not today .. maybe not tomorrow .. but one day .. I'm just not yet ready to go through the process of letting go

  • Caity by Caity
  • 16 years ago

this poem really made me cry, I watched my parents go thought a divorce, where my dad did not want it at all, even after the horrible things my mother did to him, I really feel for you, and I hope you find someone who will love you unconditionally, the way you deserve.

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