Abuse Poem by Teens

Abused By Dad Poem

I'm Zach. I'm 16, and the abuse has been happening since I was a child. It finally stopped 3 years ago.

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I can relate to most subjects the poems are written about. I've been in all the situations and understand and share the pain.

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My Life


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

surrounded by walls
nowhere to go
walls are closing in
no more air flow

no one can hear you
like you're never there
no one can help
no one is there

kicking and screaming
yelling for help
mom sits and watches
while dad grabs his belt

mom doesn't say anything
until dad leaves
she doesn't care
at least I didn't believe

this always happened
every single night
mom just sat and watched
without putting up a fight

going to school
with new bruises every day
teachers always asked
I blew their help away

knowing if I told
it would only get worse
begging on my knees
for him not to immerse

just laying there as time passed by
watching myself get beat
I just thought to myself
one day I'll be back on my feet

the time had finally come
many years after
I finally stood up for myself
it never happened thereafter

  • Stories 16
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  • Rating 4.51
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nichole  Meyer by Nichole Meyer, Chester mt
  • 6 years ago

I can relate to most subjects the poems are written about. I've been in all the situations and understand and share the pain.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous, Uk
  • 11 years ago

Zach, you are truly a very strong person and what happened to you was no fault of your own but the fault of your abuser. You survived Zach, you made it through! I'm proud of you. Mine is similar to yours, my mother is my abuser. I was physically and emotionally abused ever since I was very young. I'm 17 now, and it still hurts to know that I was the only one treated like this out of my siblings. I'm glad though, my mum didn't hurt my siblings. No one understands the hurt it leaves behind, I guess the victim truly understands. I never told anyone, I was threatened not to. It doesn't happen anymore, it calmed down not long ago but occasionally it still happens. I love your poem, it's very good and I can relate quite a bit. Stay strong.

  • Roshelle by Roshelle
  • 12 years ago

I'm 14, and my dad does that everynight, I can't get help I've tired before.. it only got worse, my mom never cares and this really touched me knowing that it got better for you and I hoe it'll get better for me to. It's an awesome poem.

  • Abigail Baker by Abigail Baker
  • 13 years ago

I was adopted from Kazakhstan. I thought my life would change. I thought I would have a better life...at least that's what I thought...I lived my life being abused by my adopted parents. It was 3x worse than in the orphanage. I Finally got the courage to tell my friends what happens to me at home. But I got scared so I lied. But I lied about the truth. Finally I got stronger and told my mom enough was enough. Now I live with my great-grandfather and have teachers that care about me, my best friends moms are my "adopted adopted" moms. My life is better. :) the memories might never go away, but at least you are here to tell your story to people that can save abused children. Stay strong! <3

  • Andie Marie Stephens by Andie Marie Stephens
  • 13 years ago

Zach babe! I went through the same thing and never EVER would of has the courage to post anything about what happened to me!! You are so strong and have made such a great recovery! Its not easy being our age and of been abused- but your coping and I'm happy for you! I hope your coping process is going well- and know that your poem truly touched me!

  • Hannah by Hannah, Wisconsin
  • 13 years ago

I too was abused from age 5 to 13. I will soon be 14 and still we have the court to go through but I know the man will be set free even if he's in jail now and if he's set free there is a chance he will get partial custody of me because all I have is my word against his.

  • Ty by Ty, Florida
  • 13 years ago

That poem describes my life so well, I turn 15 next weekend and I just stood up for myself not to long ago, and it hasn't happened since.

  • Ashleigh by Ashleigh, Oregon
  • 13 years ago

This reminds me of my friend Logan.. Every little bit. He ran away eventually and now doesn't have any contact with his parents at all.

  • Kayla by Kayla, Traverse City
  • 14 years ago

I was abused from age 6 to age 10 then I went into foster care. I was also abused in foster care by a foster mother's son. Then I got adopted at age 12. I started getting molested by my adopted father. It ended after two years but after I told I went back into foster care. Now I am 17 and I have found a family that I love and cherish and they love and cherish me also.

  • Katie by Katie
  • 14 years ago

Wow. I'm 13 and I was abused up until a couple months ago....he finally left.:) Glad that I'm not alone.

  • Kimi by Kimi, NC
  • 14 years ago

OMG that is soo sad I was really moved and touched by this poem :/ my dad use to hit me with the belt when I was younger but now I live with my mom so I never see him anymore :) I am glad you stood up for yourself :) that's good :)

  • Jessica by Jessica
  • 14 years ago

I know everything you wrote I have also been through abuse by more than one person there has been many occasions when I have been to scared to go to sleep scared I would not wake up the next morning. I'm 17 years of age now. My siblings and I have been taken away from my parents due to this stuff happing and I'm glad you're optimistic about all of this cause its been almost 3 months and I still cry myself to sleep from the pain no one will ever be able to understand anything we have been through unless they have been through it as well and I'm sorry you had to go through this...much love Jessica

  • Sidney by Sidney
  • 14 years ago

I understand what its like. Everyday with the same crap. I am also 16 but it keeps on happening, I feel if I tell, it just might make it worse because it is really hard when you feel like you'll backstab a parent you think you love.

  • Niki by Niki
  • 14 years ago

Very sad, but I'm proud that you stood up for yourself:}

  • Alice by Alice
  • 14 years ago

Beautiful. Abuse is so hard to deal with especially when its at home, I admire your optimism. I wish I had it.

  • Cecilia by Cecilia
  • 14 years ago

I too have been abused and I know how it feels but I am 17 years old now and I haven't forgot it either. It scarred me for life.

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