Heartbreak Poem

Girlfriend Still Loves Ex-Boyfriend

My girlfriend of a long time realized that she was still in love with her ex-boyfriend... She was wishing that I was him, and she couldn't do it anymore, so she left me to be with him...I was heartbroken and I still am...a friend told me that I should continue writing to ease the pain and help me get though it, so this is what I wrote.

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This is absolutely unique and astonishing. I've never had a boyfriend myself, but there was someone who came very close. We were best friends, doing everything together and having the time of...

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The Siren


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2011 with permission of the Author.

He wrote her a song, but it never got finished
They both fell in love, but it was soon diminished
She sits on his bed and cries in his lap
He cries back at her, knowing they can't go back.

Hours go by and neither one can accept
That by letting go they are doing what's best
At the end of the day, comes the part which he fears
To let her go without shedding a tear

Never again will he kiss her goodbye
And just that thought makes him start to cry
Now he'll finish that song, and he'll write it today
This is the start and here's what it says

"You are my siren, you drew me in
With a voice like an angel and the softest skin
Your eyes shine like diamonds and your smile melts my heart
I know that nothing could tear us apart"

That's what he wrote and let me just say
That he'd never do anything to throw that away
But that's not how it works; this world's bitter and harsh
And then something happened, which drew them apart

An old boyfriend showed up and that's when he knew
That her feelings for him were not shiny and new
This person left her and crushed her heart
But she had loved him since the very start.

When our boy came along she saw a way
To end her pain and make it all go away
But by loving this person through thick and through thin
She looked at our boy and wished it was him

Now this is where the second verse starts
It's about how she seemed to break his heart
He found out her feelings, it went straight to his head
So he carried on writing and here's what he said

"You make me smile when no one else can
It just makes me happy to be your man
But it hurts me deeply that you long for his heart
I thought we would last, but this breaks us apart"

He sat in his room and just wished he
Could be just like her ex so that they could be
But as long as he was there they could never be true
So he'd sit in his room feeling sad and blue

Now comes the part where she's crying in his lap
They both just decided to never go back
The pain is immense but it's saving his heart
Because staying with her would rip him apart

Here's where he decides to finish the song
The story of how it all went wrong
He starts the last verse with tears dripping off his nose
The papers all wet but here's how it goes.

"You were my siren, you drew me in
You taught me to love and you taught me to sin
I never thought you could break my heart
But I guess we were wrong right from the start"

"You were my siren, now I'm dead at sea
You drew me in, but you didn't want me
I just wish I knew where it all went wrong
But now another lost sailor can hear your song"


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Abbiewrites_ by Abbiewrites_
  • 4 months ago

Reading this definitely comforted me in the feeling knowing that I'm not the only one who feels like this. No matter what happens in my life I will always love my first love deep down. I know I won't move on, I know I can't. I've tried. This was a beautiful poem.

  • BornToLive by BornToLive, Flagstaff AZ
  • 5 years ago

This is absolutely unique and astonishing. I've never had a boyfriend myself, but there was someone who came very close. We were best friends, doing everything together and having the time of our lives. We planned to stay friends through high school no matter what crowds we clicked with, go to college together, have similar classes, and live in the same neighborhood. He would be my shoulder to cry on and I would be the girl he went to for a shoulder. Or cookies :) But junior year, he left me. Said I wasn't good enough to be his friend among other things. You can imagine my absolute heartbreak. So as a result, I've been looking around trying to help myself forget him, and I came across your poem. Oh my. I started crying. I'm still crying. You have immense talent to be able to bring my emotions this close to the surface. Thank you for letting yourself vent in this way. You've helped me, and from what it looks like, many other people find happiness or the strength to obtain it.

  • June E. Schlueter by June E. Schlueter
  • 6 years ago

I understand heartbreak. And it is cathartic to write about that feeling. There is something about poetry that allows you to express that deep emotion inside of you. I love this poem. My story is a bit different. Someone loved me, and I was too stupid to realize it, and now I regret it to the point where I, too, wrote a poem about how I felt. Love is such a free-flowing feeling that is sometimes very hard to get over. Thank you for this beautiful poem. One day, write a poem about finding new love. I hope you do.

  • Jacob Klee by Jacob Klee
  • 6 years ago

Thank you so much for this. My girlfriend just broke up with me because she's not over her ex, and the only thing I've felt for the last two days is pure anger and hatred, but this helped me to cry for the first time. It's kind of nice to feel sad and cry instead of the anger. Thank you.

  • Aaliyah S Lara by Aaliyah S Lara, Figuring it out
  • 6 years ago

"You taught me how to love and you taught me how to sin" has to be my favorite line from this poem. I interpreted it as yes, you taught me how to love, loving you deeply, however, loving you was a sin because it was the wrong thing to do and I knew it.

  • Dark Antique by Dark Antique, California
  • 6 years ago

I liked how it mentioned about a lover trying to bounce back by trying to fake love/try to recover from the breakup. It's sad, but it's seen in most cases. When someone is going over a breakup, one should try to control their emotions....not by latching onto someone's innocent feelings.

  • Jenny by Jenny
  • 7 years ago

Well, I always felt amazing with this guy, though he said he never felt my love for him. I swear this is the most effort I could put in the relationship. I have always been cold towards guys, and this was my first real relationship. I just got to figure out that apparently he had another girlfriend in his life while dating me. It is so heart breaking. I thought it could be forever. I just wish that I turned him down like I did with all the rest. This way, I would still be happy. But I am strong. I know I will come out of this a lioness.

  • Vocal Heart by Vocal Heart, Nigeria
  • 7 years ago

I met this guy not long ago, and he turned out to be the person I've been looking for. We both are interested in each other, but each one of us has our own partner. It hurts knowing that we can't fully belong together, but it's still nice that the love is there!

  • Tyler by Tyler
  • 7 years ago

I won't lie, I can completely relate to that. It just hurts so much to be in love with someone who doesn't love you back, let alone even care. The most painful part is when you try so hard to make them realize your love for them is true but they just turn around and look to someone else. It's like giving your heart to someone only to watch them stab it in sight of something that appears to be better than you are. It's as painful as hell on earth, but that goes to show that we all fall for the wrong person because they just happened to say the right things and be just the right way, that's until the masks fall off. It hurts; be careful of who you are in love with. If anything, Jesus is a much better choice than any man, no matter how perfect, and any woman, no matter how loyal and true. Jesus Christ can never break your heart like people can. And best of all, he always keeps his promises and he is always true to you. Always.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 5 years ago

I feel you. I tried giving my heart to someone, but it ended up getting broken. It's been months and I haven't recovered. Hope you feel better.

  • Robert Porter by Robert Porter
  • 5 years ago

Still heartbroken from my ex. We were together a lot of years, and I have been loyal throughout it all, unlike her. She was lying and cheating since the beginning. I always thought she would feel my love and realness and change. But it only made things worse. We have been apart for over a year now, and still I remain loyal. I only pray that GOD will open up her eyes so she can have a part in the book of life where her name will be written.

  • Larry Sen by Larry Sen
  • 5 years ago

So true! No one would ever know your heart more than the one who made it. Only Jesus makes this heart whole, and only He can quench it because He is the living water. Only when our heart breaks then we understand how we have broken His heart. His is true love.

  • Jess Jackson by Jess Jackson
  • 6 years ago

I know exactly how you feel. I emailed a boy as I loved him. He has now told everyone and I feel an absolute idiot. Just like a stab in the heart. It's nice knowing that you can confide in Jesus and everything will be okay.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 7 years ago

Just yesterday, the guy I love broke up with me. He was perfect and gave me so much support. Every day he made me feel amazing. I felt so loved from every word that came out of his mouth, but I broke him. I thought we would last so long, but I continued to do everything wrong. I love him so much, but he doesn't love me back. This poem is beautiful. My heart is touched. I will continue to grieve, but this poem expressed everything. I was the Siren. I'm so sorry for breaking him like this. It would mean the world to me if we could get back together. I would do anything to have my true love back.

  • Marlee Sisters by Marlee Sisters
  • 8 years ago

Beautiful...I'm bawling my eyes out in complete and utter awe...

  • Daniela Jude by Daniela Jude
  • 8 years ago

This poem is amazing...no words. I know what it means to put your soul in somebody else's hands...Love can end with beautiful poems in our case. Keep it up.

  • Nyan Lin by Nyan Lin, Houston
  • 8 years ago

Thanks so much for this poem! It hit me hard, and although I may not know this feeling of a girl going back to her ex, I think it might be the same situation with what's happening with me right now. It doesn't really matter, but my best friend was trying to get a girl for me, the girl I'm still in love with now. I fell for her first, then all of a sudden, he swooped in and now they're liking each other a lot...I really don't know anything about true love or having a girlfriend or being in a relationship, because...well, I'm only 15...and a freshman, but I might have some clue of what it feels like to get hurt. I like reading these types of poems.

  • Faithirvingg by Faithirvingg
  • 6 years ago

I was a freshman last year. There was a poetry assignment, and I came across this. It hit too close to home and I fell apart in front of everyone.

  • Kaitlyn Tucker by Kaitlyn Tucker
  • 8 years ago

I know the feeling. I'm a freshman too, and my best friend is flirting with the guy I like, and he told me he likes me back, but I don't think he means it…

  • Vicky by Vicky
  • 8 years ago

I was in a relationship with this man for two years....I thought he was heaven sent...but now I realized that it was truly the devil who sent this man to my life to try to destroy it. He used me all kinds of ways..to be his built in babysitter while he goes off to to cheat on me....he took money from me....he treated me so bad. Its been four days since we broke up and still I can't stop the tears from falling. I guess I deserve it for being stupid for loving a man that doesn't love me back. I feel like a fool. Like a loser. Like nothing. This morning I got on my knees and asked God to please take away this emotional pain. I hope it happens very soon. For I haven't eaten in four days and I don't want to get sick because of it.

  • Ami by Ami
  • 7 years ago

It happens all the time. Don't blame yourself for anything. When my boyfriend broke my heart, I almost died. I'm good now. He wants us to get back together, but I don't love him anymore. So girl, you will be good. Time heals all wounds.

  • Boss Lady by Boss Lady
  • 7 years ago

Don't ever feel dumb. You are not alone. I, too, have fell victim to these types of men.

  • Linda Hutchinson by Linda Hutchinson
  • 8 years ago

I have been going through the same situation. Yet we all make mistakes. I did when we first got together, but so did he.... even though he claims he didn't. Kinda hard to believe when he has been cheating on me for well over a year. He tries to justify his cheating by saying that I am at fault.

  • Michael DeJesus Jr by Michael DeJesus Jr
  • 9 years ago

This poem hits hard .. it cuts so deep .. I was so invested in this girl .. I told her she was the one for me. I stopped my search for love for I thought I found my soul mate. I told her I wanted to start a family with her and she was all for it, so we had a daughter. Everything was fine for a whole year, no arguments, no nothing. Then everything started to fall apart. She started to lie about the most simplest things and started seeing her ex again.It crushed me. How can I be so foolish so blind .. I stopped loving myself and focused all my life force in her with the hope that she could see that I'm dedicated to only her .. I have sunk into a deep depression.. but time heals all wounds and it helps to talk about it .. I just wish I had someone to talk to....

  • Solomon by Solomon, Ghana
  • 9 years ago

Micheal you're not alone.... I was also planning my marriage with her when this other guy came in... Am deeply hurt and even feel like taking my life... But as you said, time indeed heals.

  • Beth Williams by Beth Williams, Philadelphia PA
  • 9 years ago

I was involved with this man that my heart was just crazy over! In the beginning, my God, I just couldn't get enough of him. He made me feel so alive, just the thought of him would make my heart skip a beat. As time went on I started to see him for what he really was and I was devastated. All the lies and manipulation could no longer be overlooked. I made excuses and tried to make him out to be better than he really was. Because if nobody knew how horrible he was treating me then I thought I'd be okay? How wrong was I! I never smiled anymore and I was miserable! After numerous failed attempts to end it, I finally walked away. I still have a broken heart. I think about him all the time. I can only hope and pray that this gets easier!

  • Samantha by Samantha, Chico Ca
  • 10 years ago

This is so very lovely, thank you for sharing this piece.

  • YoungPoet by YoungPoet Poet
  • 12 years ago

Thanks for all the kind words everyone. My life has gotten so much better since I left this girl and I have been with my current partner for 2 years now. I want to say to anyone who is in this situation that everything gets better and no matter what happens, keep your chin up. If a girlfriend or boyfriend still loves their ex. Then most of the time it won't work with you guys and best to just move on and both get on with your lives.

The girl in this story got with her ex once I left and has been with him ever since. I am happy for her and I see that we just weren't right.

If anyone needs to talk to someone neutral about this sort of situation then feel free to message me on Facebook and have a chat :)

  • Anon by Anon
  • 12 years ago

It happens a lot surprisingly. What you gotta do is realize that you didn't do anything wrong.
She's the one who strung you along, so it's her fault. She isn't upset about it right now and you shouldn't be either.
But if she comes up to you in the future and says she's made a mistake and wants you back, tell her that she's missed her chance and you're waiting for someone who is going to treat you with some respect.
Karma comes back to people and it will come back to her.
Just focus on a career, try getting some of your poems published, go out and meet new people. I'm sure there's tons of girls who would love to listen to your poetry that think it's romantic.
Just move on is all you can do.
I had 3 relationships that ended badly and I've taken my own advice and I met someone who I'm getting married to now.
Good luck and remember there's more than 1 girl for everyone :)

  • Lucas L by Lucas L
  • 13 years ago

Omg, I may be a guy but I'm sensitive... This poem pretty much happened to me and I want to cry again. I had a girlfriend for a while and I really liked her. It felt like love, no word of a lie. Well this weekend she has a hockey tournament all weekend and I had no way to get there. We are both 16... Anyways she texted me saying she thinks we need to be friends and nothing more. Well it turns out her ex boyfriend who broke her heart before showed up at her tournament and wanted to get back together. She said that she always loved him so she was thinking about it. I ended it because she was thinking of breaking up with me for the guy who hurt her so much before.... I've been upset all day....

  • Gabrielle by Gabrielle
  • 13 years ago

This ... is ... AMAZING . I love your poem bro , it's so freaking deep and amazing . My girlfriend of 3 years dumped me for her ex and they got married ... so .. this explains exactly how I feel . Nice job bro , keep it up .

  • YoungPoet by YoungPoet Poet
  • 13 years ago

This is my longest poem I've wrote and it took me a while but I really put my heart into it... I'm happy with another girl now, but this has always been my favourite poem :) let me know what you think :)

  • Ashley by Ashley
  • 13 years ago

This is amazing! I love this poem! its like everything put to words I can't say about break ups!

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