Heartbreak Poem

Poem For When A Marriage Falls Apart

I wrote this after my husband of 10 years decided that he did not want to be a "Husband." We have a terrific 7 year old son who has been handed something that I, at 38, do not yet know how to handle. I do my very best, for my very best (my son).

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Well, same stuff, but I know I need to be strong for my kids! The thing that crushes me is my 6-year-old hears his dad call me a whore or say, “Mommy's just crazy, Roman." My son, now after 2...

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Do You Know


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2009 with permission of the Author.

Do you know a life of loneliness and one filled with pain,
living a life with nothing to gain,
Surrounded by darkness, overwhelmed with shame.
A life without peace with no one to blame.

Do you know of a place unseen,
A place that holds only shattered dreams,
A place filled with sorrow with no end in sight,
I am given this gift each and every night.

Do you know of a place so cold,
This is the place I call my soul,
A place without hope or comforting dreams, 
A life not worth living wouldn't it seem.

Do you know of a life that should have never been,
And the feeling that today this life has to end.
One more day of sadness is much too hard to bear,
I am tired of living a life of heartache and despair.

Do you know a person with so much pain inside,
Or the feeling of loneliness when no one hears your cries,
Maybe when the tears are gone and I can clearly see,
The only question left will be...



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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ester by Ester
  • 5 years ago

I understand every word you wrote down because I've been with my husband for 5 years, and now it just seems like we're friends with benefits and not a couple. Feeling invisible doesn't feel good at all. Not one bit. Then sooner or later you just start fading away little by little.

  • Unhappy Person by Unhappy Person
  • 3 years ago

I can relate. I am married only 6 months. I married the women of my dreams, but I am invisible to her every night. I hate it so much. I love her to death and only want a happy life with my wife, but she is dead inside it seems for me.

  • Michelle Joels by Michelle Joels
  • 5 years ago

Well, same stuff, but I know I need to be strong for my kids! The thing that crushes me is my 6-year-old hears his dad call me a whore or say, “Mommy's just crazy, Roman." My son, now after 2 years watching this abusive behavior from his dad to me, has said to me that he wants to go with me if I move out because his dad hit me in front of him. The father of my children says negative things around our 3 kids that they are now treating me like he treats me. It makes me sad. Sixteen years later, my heart says it’s time for me to love my kids and myself more! Legally separated for 4 years in August of 2019, I'm going to follow the Lord and do as he leads my heart to do. It’s time to get away before this man destroys my relationships with my kids any more than he has. And to all of you out there that just think, "Oh I can't leave, don't want to divorce due to kids or threats of him or her taking the kids away,” God is good all the time-you and kids will be okay!

  • Crimson Ghost by Crimson Ghost
  • 1 year ago

There are no resources for people like us. I don't even know where to start, but I know that I don't want to be treated badly by a person who changes from appearing good to monster in 2 seconds. Don't want to be called a whore when I am not because now my 12-year-old daughter calls me that. Their dad doesn't even care that they don't respect me because he doesn't. DEFACs guy couldn't even get him to leave my dad's house that we live in. Ok next they're going to be telling me they hate me and that I'm a worthless cow. Whenever I get anything good, he sabotages all of it then calls me a bad person and blames me because he wants to sit doing nothing while I go work my butt off, and he wants to get his stupid while not doing anything.

  • Jennifer L Taylor by Jennifer L Taylor, Obion TN
  • 7 years ago

I'm living this every day. My boyfriend of 3 years now was my first love 29 years ago. When we got back together, we haven't seen each other in 28 years. Both had been married and have children from previous marriages. Mine are grown now. He swept me off my feet. Six months later we moved in together. Life was wonderful. I still don't know what really happened. One day we had a physical altercation. It hasn't been the same since. I feel so alone and invisible. I cry every day. He pretty much is not what he was 3 years ago. He says he loves me and doesn't want me to leave. But physically he shows no attraction to me. He hasn't touched me in months. It's like I'm not even there begging for love and affection. When I say something to him about it, it turns into a bad verbal argument. It's like it's not worth mentioning. I don't want another failure. I want him. The old him I fell in love with.

  • Etika by Etika
  • 6 years ago

Hi Jennifer! I know it’s really difficult to leave the person you love, but by being with him you will face the worst as time passes. Be strong and settle a life of your own. God will surely help you. Have faith.

  • Ikia Jackson by Ikia Jackson
  • 7 years ago

Hello, Jennifer Taylor. I want to tell you that if he has not been showing you affection and love like he should be, then you leave him. And don't go back. Because if you go back then he will think that it is okay to do this, and it is not okay to play with people's hearts. I know that this will be hard, and I know that you love him, but you need to leave him.

This poem hits home in so many ways. My son is 4. His father walked out on us a year ago. I also had a poem published on here, Shattered Lives. I know the pain. I know the heartbreak. I know how it feels to look at your son and hurt for him too. I feel like he has been cheated too. A year almost to the day and the scars run very deep. I still cry every single day. I notice your poem was written in 2009. I hope you have since found peace and happiness.

  • Rosa by Rosa
  • 8 years ago

I got married just recently, like 8 months ago, but the last couple of months have felt like a never ending pain. After being married for 3 months, I found out he is addicted to porn and how he has a history of visiting prostitutes. After 6 months of our marriage, we got into an argument and he left our home and ended up calling at least 10 escorts that day. He visited 2 escorts' homes, but he swears he didn't do anything because he felt guilty of doing something, which I don't really believe. I have caught him in many lies, and he even said he doesn't feel satisfied being with me. The truth always hurts.

  • Triveni by Triveni
  • 8 years ago

I am holding onto a broken marriage, broken from his side after 25 years. Suddenly he decides he doesn't like me and anything I stand for anymore. I may be called a coward and shameless for staying on, but I am holding on to hopes that things might turn around. I am so terrified of being alone. I gave him my everything and I feel so cheated.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 7 years ago

I know the feeling. It's 10 years and 5 kids and 2 angel babies. I love my husband dearly, but he has drifted away. He watches porn more than having any intercourse with me. He finds excuses. I try my hardest daily and work just to turn over my checks to him and don't get anything out of it. I want to break free, but I have given him my heart and can't seem to walk. Like my head says leave, but my heart says stay. I'm completely unappreciated. All I want is love!

  • Katherine Marek by Katherine Marek
  • 9 years ago

This poem was really sad to me, but probably not for the reason you'd think. What got to me was the writer's complete lack of self esteem. Marriages fall apart for all sorts of reasons and rarely does the fault lie with just one person. My own marriage imploded after 28 years. Not once did I put the blame entirely on either one of us, although I was sorely tempted at times. Ten years on and I now refer to it (the divorce) as "the war", i.e. "I lost my CD collection in the war". The two things I never lost were my self respect and my sense of humor.

  • Daisy by Daisy, South Africa
  • 10 years ago

Everyone tells me not to worry about finding another mate because I am still young. My family told me to stop being hung up on "old things" and move on. I am 24- years old when 5 years of a long, taxing, unfulfilling, Relationship that began in a fantasy and finished into a crash and burnt

  • Saquorya K Smith by Saquorya K Smith
  • 10 years ago

Everyone tells me not to worry about finding another mate because I am still young. My family told me to stop being hung up on "old things" and move on. I am 30-years old when 10 years of a long, taxing, unfulfilling, marriage that began in a fantasy and finished into a crash and burn wreckage site. No one warned me about the loneliness, how ill you feel after you realize what you built has been toppled. No one talked about the burning in your heart that rises every time you think or speak of your spouse, nor can you explain the need to defend them just the same when someone talks about them. No one prepares you for the feeling of betrayal. the aches in your body from the shock that renders you numb. The numbness that transforms into blank detached stares, and icy glances in your eyes. That numbness when you just don't care anymore, but find yourself doing things that are destructive with no explanation. You hate them. You hate you. You can't stand the thoughts of how empty you feel because of all you gave to them. They walk around full of your generosity. They walk tall as they stand on your chest. They smile as they swallow your happiness, and call themselves searching for their own because yours wasn't enough to give. So you live with the greed. You lie and say this isn't who you married because the pain of actually admitting it to yourself feels equivalent to stabbing herself over with many pains. Everyone expects you to walk away when you're strong. But even the strong can't stand upon an earthquake and no one can stand against the tidal waves to crash. That is what divorce was for me. Two years later and I still cannot look upon a man without thinking he will betray me, he will cheat, he will steal from me, lie and manipulate me and control me because his way is more important than compassion. What he wants are, are more important than the fact that I have nothing more to give. I always look at a man with hatred. And my family feels like in 2 years I should be able to eradicate 10 years. What is the time frame on healing? On being able to stand complete as a person without wanting or needing, or stuck inside a vortex of timeless damage. No light at the end. The end, that makes you think of the beginning. How it all began, and wondering how in the hell did you miss the signs that seem so evident now. But now....I possess no ability to love freely and unscarred. I carry the wisdom of knowing what pain, betrayal, infidelity, the shock, shame, abuse, embarrassment feel like and all I ever do is wall around inside my own walls and peer out frequently...my windows aren't clear. And I always carry the ocean in my eyes.

Wow. That is deep. And you nailed it. It's been a year for me, and you explained my pain.

  • Sanchita by Sanchita, India
  • 10 years ago

This poem has put my heart out. The only difference between Michelle and me is that my husband has not moved out yet.

  • Debbie by Debbie, Pv
  • 10 years ago

I too know the pain of a broken heart. My boyfriend of 4 yrs. tells me he loves me but is not in love with me. I gave everything I had, but it was not enough. So here I am in another state where I do not feel I belong, again! Why is this? He needed to date first? LOL! What is that? I just wanted someone to love. I love him with all of my heart, and he stepped on it like it was a piece of dirt. I am now betrayed and alone also.

  • Grants by Grants, New Mexico
  • 10 years ago

This story is so for real. I was married for 17 years my ex-husband felt that alcohol was more important than his wife and 3 children the divorce was horrible the most loneliest time that I went through raised my kids alone been through a few relationships been in one for the last eight years the first few years were OK but I come to realize I'm still lonely and I don't think it's going to ever change starting to think love is not for me. I have two handsome grandsons that I love dearly, helps somewhat but not completely. The One And Lonely my motto

  • Toby Lawton Ok by Toby Lawton Ok
  • 10 years ago

This how I feel right now in my marriage my wife has cheated on me and is pregnant. I feel betrayed and alone.

  • Vancouver WA by Vancouver WA
  • 10 years ago

I gave her my heart and all my love. I sold everything I owned I raised her son. I was faithful and kind hard working and loyal home every night I was her best friend she was my everything I gave her eight years with no fights and a good life she gave me a broken heart and I can't live without my heart. She took my son so here I stand alone empty and hurt my hearts, broken dreams are shatters. I lost my family for a guy she only knew for two weeks my sad poem. True story.

  • Rosa by Rosa
  • 8 years ago

As I read your comment...I realized there are still good men out there in the world. I know how painful betrayal can be, and I know very well the feeling of emptiness and loneliness. If you get to read this comment one day, I wish to tell you that you should be proud of yourself. One day your ex-wife will regret cheating and leaving such a wonderful mean. Don't ever look back, and always be happy with the little things in life.

  • Maggie by Maggie
  • 11 years ago

I am so lonely, the crazy thing is I have a husband but he spend no time with me. I asked him to take vacation with me and he said no. What to do. We've been married 17 years dying for affection, a smile, a touch. I give it all to him but he does not see. When I ask for time together he says I am selfish. I do everything alone. I am tired, unloved hurt. God help me don't know how much I can take.

  • Mandi Mabyse by Mandi Mabyse
  • 6 years ago

I feel your pain. I've been married for 5 years. I have two children of my own. I don't have any children with my husband. Recently he has been shouting at me. He is just plain avoiding me. He is emotionally unavailable, and he leaves me alone all the time. He does not touch me. I found a message on his phone asking a lady out for coffee...he says he just want to talk to her.

  • Darlene Garcia by Darlene Garcia
  • 6 years ago

I’m in the exact same boat as you. I feel like we are past that stage. I feel like it’s over, and neither of us want to be the first to say goodbye. I feel like he’s with me out of pity, and he cheats on me. It has been at least 4 months since we’ve been intimate, and it seems like the harder I try, the crueler he is to me. What do I do? Is it possible to fall in love again, or are we too damaged?

  • Jl by Jl, Australia
  • 12 years ago

God made for Adam a beautiful garden!! And Adam had not a single thought of a woman... Until God Almighty said to Adam, Its not good for man to be alone!! and created Eve. God created the ideal companion for Adam, God knew what he needed.
Moral of this story.....If you are serious about a life partner? Get on your knees and tell God how lonely you are and that you want a companion.

  • Djpyang by Djpyang
  • 12 years ago

I was once a victim of LOVE!! Since then I never felt a happy relationship since I've started as early as 16. in every endings I always became a LOSER! I felt so much love yet nothing goes back! But as time goes by I only have two way to live in LOVE - - to love and move on. . .this is exactly what I'm doing. I let my pain go on for years!!

When I thought I was on my mature age I engaged myself in a serious relationship in which I felt so much happiness and full of love! But then as it goes, our fairy tale love story became a worst dream! I was alternated with an unknown girl he knew for less than a month! I was tampered by loneliness, darkness and grief!

  • Garden Grove by Garden Grove, California
  • 12 years ago

What did you do? How did you get yourself to be happy again?
I'm where you were then...now.

  • Chumisa by Chumisa, South Africa
  • 12 years ago

This poem has just reminded me that am still living with a broken heart, my boyfriend of 4 years broke up with me because of a very complicated situation. Do you know how it feels to love someone with devotion that lies in the depth of your heart and yet they chase you away?? ;(.

  • Singapore by Singapore
  • 12 years ago

This poem expresses my heartache. My husband dumped me after 6 years of courtship and 27 years of marriage. In total 33 years of our life together for his girlfriend of 2 years. During family discussions, he told everyone in our family that he will still look after me after the divorce but the moment we filed the papers, he has been treating me like I have leprosy. I even surrendered my insurance policies to bail him out of his credit card woes for which he spent on his girlfriend. I'm totally shattered.

  • Naledi by Naledi
  • 7 years ago

To all of you that I have read the stories about your life, thank you for sharing. God created hearts to heal, and because of our imperfection we hurt each other. God gave you again a free will to make choices for yourself. The point is correct yourself from negative thinking. What's going to be your next step? The only person you can correct is you, not anyone else. Challenge yourself and work on yourself. It's not an easy task but doable. Lots of love.

  • Ange by Ange, CT
  • 13 years ago

This poem sounds like I feel as well. My mother was never married to my father. He was a cheater had anther family on the side. But I was with a man just like my father cheater. 5 years together it ended a year ago. Still love and miss him. Just feel so alone like I'm never gonna meet the one.

  • Kim by Kim, New York
  • 14 years ago

This poem sounds like how I have felt for so long. I didn't grow up in the happiest of homes. I always felt like I was on the outside looking in. Than I married a guy way to much like my family and that fell apart. Sometimes I think it was for the best, because we have kids, but I've been alone for 5 yrs now, other than my kids and a few g/f and it's eating up my soul. I'm at the point I would put up with anything just to not feel so alone.

  • Tatyana Patrick by Tatyana Patrick, Nassau Bahamas
  • 10 years ago

I'll try to keep my comments as brief as possible. I'm not sharing my story as I'd rather encourage you all. Believe me, I know moving on is very difficult; it's a constant battle for me to this day! But I know there is always hope, and that's why I can smile in the heat of the raging storms of life. After a nasty breakup of a three-year-old courtship, I have found love nearly two years later. I have forgiven my past boyfriend and he has done the same for me. I am so glad I didn't settle for less even though it was very tempting at times. Please, don't lower your standards for another round of immense pain. The truth is, everyone will hurt us; we've just got to find the ones worth hurting for. And those "ones" are the people who think you're worth it! Who knows?! You may find during your healing process that you don't even desire a romantic relationship anymore and have a passion for your children, career, hobbies etc. I just want to encourage you today. I love you my brothers and sisters but Christ loves you even more. Be blessed in the Lord!

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