Mother Death Poem

Poem About Getting Mother Ready For Her Funeral

My mum battled cancer for 13 months. She was brave and strong, but at the end we had to tell her she could go. She's been gone just a week, and I hurt so much, but writing my poems helps me express the way I feel.

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Getting You Ready, Mum


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2016 with permission of the Author.

Today we go to wash your body
And comb your beautiful hair.
I will hug and kiss you, Mummy,
Whilst wondering life so unfair.

I will stroke you beautiful face
And kiss you on your cheek.
I will sit there and wonder, Mummy,
Why life suddenly looks so bleak.

We will be strong and brave, Mummy,
As we say our final goodbye.
But don't forget, my darling Mummy,
We will see you in the big blue sky.

Oh, how I love and miss you.
No one can really understand
How I want to hug and kiss you,
And hold your beautiful hand.

I just don't want you to go, Mummy.
I want you to stay here with me,
But I know that's not possible, Mummy,
As you're now happy and pain free.

Please just look down on me, Mummy,
And guide me in my life.
Just come and hold my hand, Mummy,
Whilst I am struggling with this strife.

I just want to say I love you.
I feel like my heart broke.
I can't bear to be without you, Mum,
And my tears make me choke.

God, just please give me strength for today,
As we go to get Mum ready.
Please give me strength today,
And make my hands feel steady.

I love you today and forever, Mum.
I hope that you are at ease.
I will see you again, Mum.
God, just look after her, please.


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