Broken Friendship Poem

Poem About Feeling Abandoned By Friends

I have written this after 4 women who I thought were my best friends let me down and broke my heart. It is my way of coping with the rejection and learning to live without them.

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My Best friend and I met about 12 years ago, I was shy and she noticed me at an event. She told me I had to come sit at the 'cool' table. She and I always butted heads but we both accepted...

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Friends That Let You Down


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2010 with permission of the Author.

These so called friends have let me down
And made me feel as though I would drown
My heart was broken, like a death to grieve,
These friends of mine set out to deceive.
We had been friends for many years,
With much laughter, fun and tears,
We'd had good times, but that was the past,
Like many things, they did not last.

They did not invite me,
The hurt has been caused,
They did not ring or call,
I think that just about says it all.
In my awful dark despair,
I really thought they would care,
A note, a card, or even some flowers,
But they were too mean to even use these powers.

They left me crying and so upset,
How could they, and yet,
"I'm alright" they probably said,
We don't care, we'll go ahead,
They carried on, it did not matter,
They all went out for chatter,
No doubt to complain, stir and moan,
But they had left me all alone.

When days were darkest and self-esteem so low,
Calls to Samaritans said it all,
They came through with flying colours,
These friends did not, that's all that matters.
The pain they caused will not go away,
It cuts deep and strong to this day,
To put the phone down on me, screaming abuse,
To lie and try to cover up, Oh God, this is so obtuse.

I did not think I needed to explain,
But my questioning why? fell in vain,
They tried to say I was overreacting,
They were going to invite me but did not exactly!
How can people be so mean?
When I was always there so keen,
They did not deserve me as a friend,
I finally realized this in the end.

No peace in their lives will they ever find,
They let a friend down badly, not kind!
They complained and moaned about each other,
This I will not miss, and don't want the bother.
I am better, kinder, than they will ever be,
Love, respect they no longer have for me,
To me they are forever gone,
And in my life they no longer belong.
A dignified silence is all that remains,
I'm free now from all the pain,
I realize now they were not real friends,
But used me for their own selfish ends.
I really think they will miss me,
But I've left them alone, and let it be,
I miss them not; it turns out in the end,
Be content with yourself, why defend?

Stand tall, be proud, have peace within.
It is only then you can begin
To be content with the way you are.
Have faith in yourself, you're a shining star.
Do not let friends put you down,
Destroy your love; stamp it into the ground,
Do not put up with their moans and groans,
Settle this knowledge into your bones.

I am happy now and glad of heart,
That these friends and I are apart.
I've moved on now and left them behind,
To each other they will never be kind.
To the rest of my life new friends have come,
Ones that you can really depend and rely on,
So take heed from my awful quest,
And remember, NEW friends really can be BEST.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tina Stauffer by Tina Stauffer
  • 9 years ago

My Best friend and I met about 12 years ago, I was shy and she noticed me at an event. She told me I had to come sit at the 'cool' table. She and I always butted heads but we both accepted each other's differences. Just 4 months ago we went away on a girls weekend, she was very rude and obnoxious. You see, she now has early Alzheimer's and that can cause mood swings and anger among other things. So I just ignored it, and tried to talk to her so she understood why she was making the other girls upset.
Somehow this is all my fault. She knows my souls secrets like no friend I ever had. But she says I was the one 'bullying' her all weekend. The girls tried to apologize, because they had been mean.
I guess I feel guilty because of her illness. I loved her and missed her. But after 4 months I feel so calm not having to constantly try to fix or buffer every encounter. It's hard and odd to lose a friend for no reason, I am glad for my friends who accept me and love me. But sad for my loss.

  • Amanda by Amanda
  • 10 years ago

My best friend and I used to be friends for like 6 years. She is very rich so she used to have a lot of parties. I used to get invited for all of them. We used to have a great time. But then she started making new friends and started ignoring me. I didn't mind as I thought she was busy. Then when I went to talk to her she totally dissed me off. I sat and cried for 2 hours straight. We were friends through everything. She knew all my secrets and I know all her secrets. Now she doesn't want me. I am still sad but I can't do anything about it now. I hope she recognizes her mistakes if she says sorry I will definitely forgive her. Because she and me had something very special. She and me confided everything. We were like blood sisters.

  • Sarah by Sarah, Springfield
  • 13 years ago

I love your story and know how you felt. I am a 10th grader know but in 9th grade. I had tons a friends. and a awesome boyfriend. It was so hard to realize that my best friend of 6 years would tell you that she well did my boyfriend. Then I lost everybody. I was called a lot of names. even to the point I would come home and try to kill myself. I still see these girls and they still make fun and call names. I had to change schools. I am glad I read your poem it helped me see that I am not the only one.

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 14 years ago

I have gone through this before, long ago, and I am going through it again. I am really starting to build a serious wall that no girlfriend can climb. I am happy, married (7 years), with two beautiful children, and an extended family that loves me. And most of my former friends are lonely (they all have "baby daddies", and fake "oh hi girl we all missed you, at the bar." So why didn't you invite me? I can not help it that they are bitter, not funny, uptight, and fake. Maybe that's why they can't keep a man. I tried to help them, with their guy problems for countless hours, month after month after they phoned me. No more free counseling sessions, and no more single ladies only outings...I'm through.

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