Broken Friendship Poem

Poem About Seeking Forgiveness

I had a friend who was truly caring. Over time she became like family to me. However, recent drama has caused us to stop being friends, and it hurts deeply. I wish I could send this to her, but she wants nothing to do with me anymore.

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This poem hits me right in my heart. I had a wonderful friend, she is fantastic in every sense. In short time we got very close, love like close. But our love couldn't be. I one day had an...

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Published by Family Friend Poems February 2016 with permission of the Author.

What can I say about what I've done?
I miss the laughs we shared, how we had fun.
Now we don't talk; we're complete strangers.
How did our problems become this major?
I was too blind to ever see
How much you really did care for me.
I threw it away and hurt you deeply.
I cry inside thinking how it could be.
We became so close in such a short time,
And I know that I'll never find
Another friend like you, someone who was true,
Honest and caring,
Could tell you anything and you wouldn't mind.
How can someone find a person so kind?
You didn't deserve the way it ended.
Because of all this, I wish I was dead.
I should've found another way.
Maybe we could still kick it and not be away.
I called you my sister and meant every word.
Now part of my soul is gone, feels like part of my heart was cut by a sword.
It's all my doing, this whole mess,
And I must confess all I wanted was to be a brother to you.
All true, though you'll probably never believe it.
I never wanted all this drama bit.
I'm not asking for you to talk to me,
'Cause I know our friendship can never be.
All I ask is for true forgiveness,
And if you can find it in your heart, then I'll go about my business.
I'll never be the same.
I'll live with the shame.
I'm sorry for hurting you; I wish you happiness.
To my friend, my sister,
Please, all I want is forgiveness.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • D M by D M
  • 3 years ago

This poem hits me right in my heart. I had a wonderful friend, she is fantastic in every sense. In short time we got very close, love like close. But our love couldn't be. I one day had an unbearable pain in my heart and had to end our friendship/love. I miss her so much. I wish she could read this poem and what I'm currently writing. T R, I miss you, although I've caused you distress and pain. I know you'll never talk to me, and I accept that. I was behaving rude and I don't deserve you, but I'll never forget you.

  • Heather Parker by Heather Parker, Haughton, LA
  • 5 years ago

This poem makes me think of how the relationship with my mother has turned out. We used to be best of friends and now we don't speak. Thank you for sharing this. It really hit home.

  • Diya Sharma by Diya Sharma
  • 6 years ago

I have just fought with my best friend. He said he was having a bad time for the past few days. He began to get annoyed at the littlest things, which he never did before. I tried my best to console myself and not get hurt by his rudeness, but when I had enough, I asked him. He told me that I have been hurting him this whole time and that I never realized it because he never told me. The reality is I genuinely don't know when I have hurt him and it was sure not intentional. When I asked him for clarity, he started stating some really silly reasons. Those were problems that could have been solved then and there, but he never opened up to me and claims that he was only being a good friend while I was being a horrible one. He called me names, and this has been happening for the past few days. I'm stressed and tired. I don't know what to do now. I have faced many friendship breakups and I'm not strong for another one. This poem means a lot to me.

  • DJ by DJ
  • 5 years ago

Thanks for sharing this. This really clears up everything that's been going on in my life currently. I just broke up with my best friend, and I was left confused by what he had said to me (too personal to share). But reading this just now answers my questions. Thanks again for sharing. Peace and love.

  • Cristal Daza Cruz by Cristal Daza Cruz
  • 8 years ago

I remember when we just met at the park. We were just strangers, but we became close friends and were destined.

  • Heather N. Barrows by Heather N. Barrows, Paducah, KY
  • 8 years ago

This happened to me and my friend, though slightly different. He was like a brother to me. I didn't see how much he cared for me. When he told me, I said I didn't want to lose him as a friend. I hurt him and without realizing it, I broke our friendship. I miss him. He won't even talk to me anymore. I miss him. It hurts to even type this because it brings up memories. I miss him.

  • Kallie S by Kallie S
  • 3 years ago

I'm sorry that happened to you! I lost many things, and I can't forgive my friend for ditching me.

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