From the same womb,
we burst forth;
4 years apart,
and you came last.
The moment my eyes laid rest on you,
I knew I'd found my love so true.
The innocence within your soul,
shown from your eyes with such a glow.
The years went past,
and friends we were;
Through all the moves ,
we, as one, endured.
I tended all wounds, and cherished you so,
never knowing,
someday you would go.
Go in heart, go in mind, go in spirit,
I cannot find,
the words to say the grief I feel,
When you're not here; I feel unreal.
I've begged you, pleaded, shouted, cried;
felt as though my self has died.
Still you stay so far away,
not a word, nor thought to say.
The joys forgotten,
the smiles , like fruit,
now rotten.....
The love dissolved,
not to be resolved,
and never solved,
this mystery.
I did my best,
you must know that.
for in your heart,
I live.
Now the days grow shorter still,
and someday soon we leave this earth,
Not like the joyous day of birth.
I want to share these days with you,
our troubles, joys, and our blood bond through.
I did my BEST,
you have decided the rest,
and left me to ride,
the crest,
of this unholy wave,
of departure from you.
Mercy, for my imagined sins,
Mercy for my imagined sins,
Mercy for my imagined sins....
Only you and I came forth from the same mother,
Only you and I can be called sister and brother,
Only you and I can help each other,
Only YOU, and I.
First Love, Lost Love: My Brother.
Published by Family Friend Poems February 2009 with permission of the Author.