Poem about Spirituality

Poem About Having Faith In God

It just came out of my mind, maybe because of what I experienced.

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Yes! You're exactly right. We worry about the after, never realizing today determines the after! Jac Judy A. Campbell

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Published by Family Friend Poems October 2016 with permission of the Author.

What does FAITH lead to?
When there is faith, there is hope.
When there is hope, there is chance.
When there is chance, there is success.
When there is success, there is wealth,
But when there is wealth, there is greed.
When there is greed, there is evil.
When there is evil, there is hell.
When there is hell, there is suffering.
When there is suffering, there is prayer.
When there is prayer, there is GOD.
When there is GOD, there is eternal life.


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Yes! You're exactly right. We worry about the after, never realizing today determines the after!
Jac Judy A. Campbell

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