Special Friend Poem

Poem Thanking A Special Friend For Bringing Hope

Darkness is temporary. Light is on its way. Hope is all you must have. There is always an angel for you.

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You are a star in darkness. You are an angel who supports me. You are so good that you transformed me into that good. Your nature moved me the most. You are true to heart and very...

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Everyone And You


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2017 with permission of the Author.

When everyone left me,
You entered in.

When everyone lost me,
You kept on me.

When everyone cheated on me,
You loved me.

When everyone laughed at me,
You cried with me.

When everyone failed,
You helped me to succeed.

When everyone brought a devil out of me,
You brought an angel.

When everyone robbed me,
You were the goal I achieved.


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  • Rating 4.25
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  • Sumaya Jan by Sumaya Jan
  • 7 years ago

You are a star in darkness.
You are an angel who supports me.
You are so good that you transformed me into that good.
Your nature moved me the most.
You are true to heart and very fair.
I am so lucky to have you in my life.
Your light is still alive in my life.

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