Rape Poem

Poem About Leaving Abusive Relationship

I have lived to tell a story that is not always told. There is so much more that happened prior to the poem. I was abused for one year and nearly died until one person, "a stranger," helped me escape from this man. I almost lost my life while I was being beat. I wish to write a story about this so that people understand that it's not okay and not safe to stay in an abusive relationship. I went through being homeless to no food, to nothing. I am now an owner of a well-known business and have a five-year-old son whom I love dearly, and he has made me forget my past. Whoever reads this, please leave if you're in a abusive relationship. God bless.

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I was abused sexually by an older cousin. He'd put a pillow over my face, tell me to take my nickers off, and then inflict pain on my private areas. He told me he'd kill my brothers, mam, and...

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While I Was Bleeding

© more by Tania

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2008 with permission of the Author.

Where do I begin to explain the beating?
You watched as I sat there bleeding,
You never cared about my feelings.
My hurt had no healing.
Rape after rape, I knew I had to escape, 
never allowed to look up,
never allowed to talk.
You beat me so I couldn't walk.
I remember the day I almost died.
You laughed, while I cried.
You beat me so bad while you cursed out my dad!
I could never withstand the pain, you are insane!
You played me like a game..
This time I win, and you; you have committed a sin.
When you burn in hell, which time will only tell,
God will ask you, "Why, why the beating of this woman whom you took to love?
Did you forget who was watching from above?"
Remember when I hid under the bed from you, what was I suppose to do?
You kicked me in my tummy.
I lost our baby and you thought it was funny.
You degraded me and put me in dirt.
You loved to see me hurt.
Now that I have gotten away through my planned escape,
I have no more tears or any fears, but the memory will last for years.
God has blessed me, and now I'm not afraid to see.
I am brave, brave enough to have a child now,
brave enough to have found marriage,
and brave enough to believe in love
thanks to God above...

more by Tania

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Fred Swartz by Fred Swartz
  • 5 years ago

I feel for anyone who has endured this. No one is immune (children, women, handicapped, elderly, and men). I lived with psychological abuse for years. Being beat with a cane 2 weeks following surgery on the incision made me walk out.

  • Joanne Frost by Joanne Frost
  • 6 years ago

I was in an abusive relationship over 20 years ago. I'm covered head to foot in scars. He beat me and raped me. I had a miscarriage through one of the beatings. I then went on to have 2 children by him. I was so afraid I couldn't leave, but then he tried to murder me, and I knew I had to escape for my children. We then fought through the courts for the children, and he met someone else who then murdered him. I have met someone after 20 years, and it still scares me to be with someone, but I'm learning he's not the same as my ex, and I won't let my past ruin my future.

  • Connie De Los Rios by Connie De Los Rios
  • 6 years ago

I was in an abusive relationship for 13 years with my second husband. He beat me, kicked and spit on me, slapped me, verbally and emotionally beat me down. He wanted full control as if I were just an item he purchased at a grocery store. I stayed because I was too afraid to leave because of what he said he would do. But last March, after my father died, I found the strength and the courage to walk away. It has been 1 year, and it still hurts. Crazy that I can say I miss him but can't quite understand WHY, I have since met a wonderful man but am too scared to open up and just let that friendship blossom. Maybe one day soon. For now, my peace and sanity is all I care about. The poem was certainly a tearjerker.

  • Jas by Jas
  • 6 years ago

It's just so unfortunate that these things are taking place in our society. Somewhere a dad is abusing his daughter, somewhere a cousin his sister, somewhere a teacher his student, and somewhere a boss his employee. This has to come to an end and will only end when we fight against it, because it's NOW OR NEVER. The struggle would be worth the result. Fight today for a better tomorrow.

  • Tric J by Tric J
  • 6 years ago

I'm glad you're so determined and caring! We need to all stand together, and educate our boys too. :) God bless! I'm praying for this wonderful hope that you have. <3

  • Amanda Davidson by Amanda Davidson, UK
  • 7 years ago

I was abused sexually by an older cousin. He'd put a pillow over my face, tell me to take my nickers off, and then inflict pain on my private areas. He told me he'd kill my brothers, mam, and dad if I told. I'm 47 now, crippled in constant pain, battled with self-confidence issues, and always felt controlled by all. Once I stopped working due to chronic health issues, I had cognitive behavioral therapy and discovered that all these years it was post traumatic stress disorder I've been suffering for 40 years. I'm now writing poems about it and have gone public about my abuse. One of my female cousins, who’s a few years older, asked me if it was a family member. It took ages for me to finally tell. She said she knew it would have been him. Don't let these evil people win. Report, report, report. I identify myself as a survivor now and not a victim. I love these poems because they hit home. I can’t believe how many innocent babies, children, and teens are still being abused by those around them. It breaks my heart.

  • Jas by Jas
  • 6 years ago

You are really strong. It takes a lot of courage to fight off the wrong.

  • Jamaica by Jamaica
  • 11 years ago

How much more do women have to dare? Why do men treat us like beating sticks? But so help me god I'm here to fight for my fellow women!!!!

  • London by London
  • 13 years ago

Hi my name is_ a_ ------- and I have been abused with a skipping rope, a vacuum, a broom, a hand fit and many more my mother is abusive but no one knows she does it because the only thing she cares is what people think of her and showing off ... I've been hurt for 12 years me and my sisters there's 8 of us and for us not to get abused we had to be on my moms Favorite list which me and my sister wasn't on...everyday and night I always ask god why does this happen what did I do to deserve this. The person who kept me going was my niece leara and I love her so much and I wouldn't be alive if she wasn't here everyday I go to school the kids always ask me why do you have bruises on you and I say I fell down to flight of stairs. They always ask if they can come over but I make up excuses because my mom is always drunk..please if your in an abusive environment make sure you tell someone!!!!! This day forward I'm still getting abused.... :(

  • Kaleigh B by Kaleigh B
  • 8 years ago

I'm sorry that you have to go through this. Nobody deserves to be abused, especially not a child. Please don't give up hope. Someday things will be better for you and your sisters. I'm praying for you.

  • Jas by Jas
  • 13 years ago

Hi There,
I think these kind of stories are all over the world. I was in abusive relationship for 8 years, but now I am out of it, and more happy and more satisfied with my 9 year old son.

  • Sherry by Sherry
  • 13 years ago

This is truly a touching poem and one of truth. I have never been physically abused just mental. I have worked with women who have been abused by the one person who claims to love them. Their stories just makes me angry. I know when I lie down at night, I ask God to bless the ones out there being abused at that very moment. I know when I safe in my bed at night there is someone somewhere being abused. I know God has his reasons for everything that happens and we just don't understand why. No one should have to live like that. When God said till death do us part, that doesn't mean for a husband to kill his wife.

  • Elaine Louch by Elaine Louch
  • 13 years ago

I admire you for writing this poem. I have been in a similar situation and was also fortunate enough to get away. You are right...if you are in an abusive situation you have to get out. Situations like that usually only get worse. I'm happy you now have the kind of life you deserve.

  • Quesnel B.C. by Quesnel B.C.
  • 13 years ago

I'm a recovering drug addict who lived and worked on the street I was with an abusive man but escaped with a strangers help and got clean I always fought back though, glad to be here and away from him.

  • Alysa G by Alysa G, Ohio
  • 14 years ago

This made me cry. I was in a 3 year abusive relationship, she took away everyone, and she made pathetic excuses as to why she hit me, I finally got out when she broke up with me..

  • Emily B by Emily B
  • 16 years ago

This is an absolutely amazing poem. I was sexually abused by my father and I had not said a word about it for 14 years until my grandmother caught him practicing inappropriate behaviors on my small fragile body and called the police. The police walked in on him and arrested him for child abuse. Its So, SO SO important to tell someone and to escape like this poem says. I now have a boyfriend and we are planning to get married next year. So please, if this is happening to you TELL SOMEONE. ALWAYS.

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