Inspirational Poem

Hope For Finding The Right Person

You'll find who you are looking for.

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At 70, I gave up reading poetry and attempting to write it. At 77, I was diagnosed with cancer and do not really know how long I have left. Instinctively, I turned back to poetry to ease the...

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Don't Give Up

Jeff J Breseee © more by Jeff J Breseee

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

We wait for what we long for.
We long for what we need.
Impatience and anxiety
Give root to errant deed,
Which grows to yield but heartache,
The fruit that poisons trust,
And so to shadow we recede
And hope descends to dust.
But somehow from the ashes
The will to try again
Doth mend the heart
And forge the path
In search of that one friend
Who never will betray us,
Who never will go astray.
But fear still lurks upon the thought
While waiting for that day.
We'll simply stumble once again,
For we know not who to trust,
Thus thoughts becomes an enemy,
But conquer them we must.
For surely there is someone
Whether "Shining Knight" or "Bride."
Then all shall have been worth it,
Our "Last Hope" justified.



I am not trained formally in writing or any other art. Studied math and engineering through all of my schooling, but I have always been an artist at heart and so I have head closely to it and use it is my escape. In a very literal way, writing poems and songs gives me the ability of to go anywhere in the universe and live as many lives as I...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • WordDodger by WordDodger
  • 5 years ago

At 70, I gave up reading poetry and attempting to write it. At 77, I was diagnosed with cancer and do not really know how long I have left. Instinctively, I turned back to poetry to ease the sense of loss of future. Ironically, I feel I have a greater understanding of things poetic than I ever had. I might even have another shot at writing, who knows? What have I got to lose?
Vitai Lampada.

  • Anthony Hopkins by Anthony Hopkins, Dayton
  • 12 years ago

This poem touched me from the inside out. It let's me know that God is with me every step of the way. I cannot give up my quest for success in anyway, shape, or form. It makes me reflect and think about my life personally and the ways to resolve conflicts.

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