Baby Death Poem

Tragedy Of Losing A Toddler To SIDS Poem

Kayleigh was my first child. She was the apple of everyone's eye. She was happy and singing. When she was 22 months old, only a couple months from her 2nd birthday, I went to wake her only to find her cold and blue. Hearing me scream my husband came running and tried to resuscitate her while I called 911. Unfortunately, it was too late. My husband, myself, and her 7 month old brother Kris were devastated. An inquest ruled SIDS. She would now be 27 and I often wonder what she would look like now.

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A Message For Kayleigh


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2013 with permission of the Author.

On a cold winter's day one February, I was there
The bitter harsh wind was blowing my hair,
My hands were cold my face was numb
I couldn't cry, the tears wouldn't come

He said a prayer then lowered you down
All pretty and serene in your pink party gown,
Your hair still blonde, your eyes still blue
But no longer the baby that I once knew.

I went to your room, it was empty and bare
I sat and spoke to you as if you were still there
I opened your wardrobe, your clothes I'd pack
Because I knew now that you wouldn't be back

Where are you now? My sweet little girl
The laughing toddler with the golden curls
Can you hear me each time I say I love you?
Oh, I wish I could hear you say, I love you too.

Why, when I loved you did you have to leave?
When I should have been hugging you, why was I left to grieve?
When my heart was locked, why wasn't I given the key?
Why when I asked weren't you given back to me?

I've a message for you Kayleigh, what more can I say
Except I miss you darling, more each day,
So until it's time for me to climb those stairs to your world beyond
Keep this message of love, my darling blue eyed blonde.


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