Birthday Poem

Our only daughter is turning 18 and will soon be leaving us for the big, bad world. She is our youngest and as such leaves us happy to have raised such an amazing daughter but sad to know our house will soon be empty. She is SUCH a Daddy's girl but in the best sense of the word. She is just like her father who is the best man I know. This poem is a tribute to both of them on her 18th birthday.

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Daddy's Little Girl On Her 18th Birthday


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2010 with permission of the Author.

Once pigtails and stuffed animals
Daddy's little girl.
Now cell phones and first cars
our minds in such a whirl.

Our daughter's grown up
turning 18 today.
So strong and so beautiful
trying to find your own way.

Life is just beginning
the world is yours to take.
We hope we've taught you well
and you've learned from our mistakes.

We've loved you and protected you
now it's time to let you fly.
Though a woman stands before us
forever Daddy's girl in our eyes!


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