Depression Poem by Teens

I haven't been through half the things I describe in the poem I wrote, but I do know that lots of people do go through stuff like abuse, self harm, feeling unloved etc. I've been a cutter since I was 14 and it's hard to stop but then I think to myself about all the people who want to give their life away and realize I might not have it as bad as I thought. I write poetry like this so people know they're not alone and there are people in the world like them.

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This poem made me cry alot. So beautifully written and explained. Everything in my life is exactly as mentioned in this poem. But I haven't killed myself because maybe just maybe one day they...

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Published by Family Friend Poems October 2012 with permission of the Author.

Do you wanna know her?
Do you wanna try?
Her life's a little complicated
Let me tell you why,
She feels unloved unwanted
She cries 6 times a day
Her heart is nearly broken
She's in a lot of pain
She cuts herself to feel
That's how she plays her games
She smiles at the blade
Like blood is summer rain

Do you still wanna know her?
Do you still wanna try?
Her life's still a little complicated
Let me tell you why,
Besides her scars from cutting
She's got bruises everywhere
Her mother tends to hit her
And doesn't even care
Her dads an alcoholic
He screams and yells at night
And when he's finally finished
He says she'll be alright

So are you scared to know her?
Are you scared to try?
Do you think her life's a little complicated?
If not let me tell you why,
She screams and cries for help
Maybe a way out
She's trapped in a world of hate
A world of lies and tears
She lies on her bed at night
And wonders "Why am I still here?"
And when she falls asleep
Nightmares haunt her dreams

So are you still scared to know her?
Are you still scared to try?
You think her life's complicated?
Too late that girl died,
They found her on her bed
Her throat slit every which way
They waved her death away
Like it was a everyday thing
She didn't deserve to die
She deserved to live
But I guess when you live in hell
Heaven always wins.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kyrielle by Kyrielle
  • 4 years ago

To anyone who cuts, is depressed, alone, or thinking about suicide: You are loved, you are not alone. God loves you and is there for you. Please don't end your life.

  • Anuriti Saxena by Anuriti Saxena
  • 8 years ago

This poem made me cry alot. So beautifully written and explained. Everything in my life is exactly as mentioned in this poem. But I haven't killed myself because maybe just maybe one day they will stop and maybe one day I'll be happy.

  • Tahmina by Tahmina
  • 8 years ago

You are an amazing person. Even though I don't know you, I know that you are a beautiful, loyal, and a strong girl. Just be brave because one day you will receive the happiest moments in life.

  • Hai by Hai
  • 9 years ago

This poem has touched my heart, I connect to it in a lot of ways. I used to be that girl. Life hasn't gotten any easier, it has gotten worse, but instead of giving in, I have learned new ways to cope. I cannot say I have gone a year without self harm, not even a month; but, I can say I do it less often, and it isn't the only escape. Suicide is never the answer. I know it may seem like it, but think of all the things you could possibly miss out on. If there is anyone out there struggling with suicidal thoughts or really anything, Stay Strong, you can get through it.

  • Harleylynn by Harleylynn, Illinois
  • 9 years ago

The poem caught my attention intently, but what maximized my curiosity was the comments. Every single one talking about recent self harm, its illuminating. Every single person is cared for, no matter who they are, what they look like, what they do. I've lived through just about all the violence I could, next thing I knew, my life was literally gone. I was gone. Guys? Your all very strong, but right now just not yet. You have to grasp yourself, and push that self hatred out of you. It's not anyone who doesn't care, its your self hatred. You are perfect as you and all you see and feel is flaws, but you are a radiant individual who can not top YOU! Forget all the others!!! If they can't show THEY care, then you are proving to be stronger by not noticing, or making attention be pointed at you for mistakes. Don't hurt yourself, read this and be happy. I care for you, therefore you cannot say no one does..... Because that.... Would be a lie!

  • Angelina by Angelina, Florida
  • 10 years ago

I loved the poem its really inspirational I've been cutting since I was 7, but I always feel like no one cares, but then I found my best friend I couldn't be where I am now without him. Thanks, keep writing inspire more people.

  • Mirte by Mirte
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for this poem, it really inspired me. I cut since I was 9 years old. No one likes me. When my parents saw it, they tried to help me, but it only gets worse. I want to know how it's like to be dead, to see if people really care about me, but my best friend won't let me. Without her I wouldn't be here anymore ..

  • Lacota Pryor by Lacota Pryor
  • 11 years ago

Last year my best friend started cutting herself and it made me sad because she is hurting everyone around her and she also try to commit suicide and I told her that if she did that she would being hurting a lot of her friends and family and if she wouldn't have listened to me she wouldn't be here right now.

  • Kyndra by Kyndra, Minnesota
  • 11 years ago

No one cared about me, it didn't matter if I died, no one would notice. I cut and cut and cut. Till one day they noticed, brought me in, then I got sent to a treatment center. Everyone asked if I was okay, it felt like I was actually someone, and someone important. Till I got out, everything went back to me being the dark thing in the shadows.

  • Brandon McNeeley by Brandon McNeeley, TX, United States
  • 9 years ago

I may not know what it's like to go through what you have been, but I know what it's like to be treated as if you didn't even exist. I turned myself to the online websites. I found one that changed my life, not sure if you would like it, but you could at least try. I don't want to see a future friend living in the dark, loving only yourself. You could try and find me, I'll even help you. Don't give up on yourself, the website I go to is, if you heard of it, yeah, it can be stupid. But, there are people on there that will be your friend and can understand you. A lot of people who go on there have had tragic events in their past, maybe you'll find a friend. If you do sign up, my profile is Mamoru.-osamushigeru, copy the name if you need to so you can just paste it into the username slot when searching for someone.

  • Shy by Shy
  • 11 years ago

I'm a cutter as well, I don't find a reason to live or fight because life has only torn me apart.

  • Monica by Monica
  • 11 years ago

I'm 14. I hate my life, I can't go on anymore. This is me. Everyone hates me, even my own family. I don't cut, I strangle myself with a belt. But the feelings are still the same.

  • Sabrina Babella by Sabrina Babella
  • 11 years ago

I am a self harmer. I just got out of treatment and still nothing goes right.

  • Thomas Dowling by Thomas Dowling
  • 12 years ago

Hi my name is Thomas and I am a recent cutter. I cut because I am depressed and because I'm angry at myself. I understand that hurting myself isn't worth it but it takes your mind off things and it helps a little. But, my parents found out and I promised them both that I wouldn't do it again. Thank you for writing this poem it really inspires me.

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