Short Love Poem

The One That Got Away

I was left and broken-hearted. I wrote this poem and felt a little stronger.

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It is not love that brought him back. It's control and his need to prove he can still capture you because if had he loved you from the start he never would have left. Love is never having...

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Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

If roses were red and violets could be blue,
I'd take us away to a place just for two.
You'd see my true colors and all that I felt.
I'd see that you could love me and nobody else.
We'd build ourselves a fortress where we'd run and play.
You'd be mine and I'd be yours 'til our dying day.
Then I wake and realize you were never here.
It's all just my thoughts, my dreams, my hopes...
But now it's only tears!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Micha by Micha
  • 7 years ago

Fell in love with the perfect guy who then decided that I was not the one for him. I very difficultly moved on with my life, only for him to pop up every now and then to tell me that he regrets what happened and that he wishes we could have another chance. But I'm in a committed relationship and have a beautiful daughter. It breaks me every single time knowing that in my heart I actually want to go back to him.

  • Audrey Matura-shepherd by Audrey Matura-shepherd
  • 7 years ago

It is not love that brought him back. It's control and his need to prove he can still capture you because if had he loved you from the start he never would have left. Love is never having regrets. If you know you put in your all at first and he rejected you, what makes you believe he would not reject you again? Stay with your current partner and child. They deserve your all now, and you can grow to love your new committed partner. Don't harbor that infatuation with him because it can only bring pain and agony to your new partner and child. Keep him as a distant memory and give your love and yourself completely to the man you are with. Love endures all and is patient and does not celebrate harm. That is what you are now living with the man who took your heart in after the other turned it down. Be strong and hold onto what you have. Don't let it go for a fickle lover who does not even respect you.

  • Amanda Lee by Amanda Lee
  • 7 years ago

Now that we have lost our flame, I know that this is mine to blame. Though I wish we could still stay the same, I asked if there's anything we can reclaim. You said love was never a waiting game.

  • Victor Vazquez by Victor Vazquez
  • 8 years ago

I'm in love with a woman from a different culture, and she teaches me how to love someone in a different way. That’s why I love her.

  • Emilysalt by Emilysalt
  • 8 years ago

I miss your face and smile. I still need more time but I still love you with all my heart.

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