Breaking Up Poem

Breaking Up With First Love

This is about my first true love. Love really does hurt, so girls, I hope you find your true love and stay with them for as long as you can.

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This poem reminds me of my ex... We broke up a while back and I didn't realize how much I cared. I dumped him and now I regret it. I love him so much. I have depression and split personality...

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© more by Brittany

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

When we broke up, man I went crazy,
confused, sad, and sometimes even lazy.
I listened to someone who was supposedly my friend,
so I made our relationship come to an end.
I've apologized and apologized, and you don't seem to care.
So now without you, I feel so bare.
I've wrote notes and called on the phone,
but at the end of the day I'm still all alone.
You don't realize how bad I'm hurting,
especially when all the guys come around flirting!
You're the one for me, I know in my heart.
I feel so empty when we are apart.
You haven't talked to me in what seems like forever.
Oh, how I wish we were back together.
I've tired and tried to get you back.
You were the one to keep me on track.
I know what I did was really wrong.
But PLEASE give me another chance, it's been so long!!
You have my heart locked by a chain,
and the farther you walk, the harder the pain.
Baby, I have paid a price, and I will also pay a fee.
If only you ever decide to come back to ME!!!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Hannah by Hannah
  • 10 years ago

This poem reminds me of my ex...
We broke up a while back and I didn't realize how much I cared. I dumped him and now I regret it. I love him so much. I have depression and split personality both of which he knew how to help with. I used to fall asleep in his arms and wake up smiling. I miss kissing him everyday. But now when I see him with his girlfriend, I cry. I saw him with her a while ago, wearing the shirt he used to let me wear when I was upset, after that I took off and punched a wall...breaking my pinky.

  • Brenna by Brenna, North Dakota
  • 11 years ago

Me and my boyfriend were together for a year and 9 months he loved me I loved him we had so many memories together then one day out of the blue he dumped me on Facebook and over text

  • Brittany by Brittany
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem,
I did have a boyfriend and then when I lost him I thought that I didn't care. but when I seen him with other girls it made me sad so that is when I realized I wanted him back the most

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