Birthday Poem

Birthday Wishes For A Little Girl

This poem is written for my little sister and goddaughter, Raphaela. It was her birthday this month. She means the world to me. My poem has a rhyming scheme and uses metaphors and similes.

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Birthday Wish

Ciana R. Lewis © more by Ciana R. Lewis

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2019 with permission of the Author.

A cake with a lit candle,
Presents with ribbons and bows,
A bike with pink, glittery handles,
A little girl who grows and grows.

What will you wish for, my love,
On this, your very special day?
Send your wish to God above.
It will come true if you pray.

As you blow out the candle, my dear,
I'll make a wish for you too.
I'll whisper it so you won't hear,
That way I know it will come true.

My wish for you is like sunshine,
Warm, cheery, and full of delight,
My wish is the starlight, soothing and fine,
Which lights up the dark, dreary night.

May God follow you always,
May the path always be clear,
And may you have a happy birthday
This day and all through the years.



I was born in Lima, Ohio, in 2000. Since I was little, I have always loved stories and even tried to write my own! My love for poetry really started when my Grandpa showed me a collection of poems that his sister wrote. Unfortunately, they were never published, but they definitely made an imprint on my heart.

When I was 12, I began writing...

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