Birthday Poem

Birthday Poem For Husband

Special occasions such as birthdays are the appropriate time to convey to our loved ones how much they mean to us, how much we care for them and how much they are valued. This poem is dedicated to my spouse, who happens to also be my best friend.

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A Friend For Life

© more by Joydip Dutt

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2019 with permission of the Author.

Out of all the blessings
Life has bestowed on me,
You are the loveliest of all -
This is not hard to see.

Even with the ups and downs,
The happiness and hardship,
Through challenges and success,
We maintained our friendship.

And with each passing day,
I understand and realize
Some things are meant to be
When I look in your eyes.

And this is my wish not just for your birthday.
May God bless you in every step of the way.



Joydip Dutt was born and brought up in Kolkata, India. After completing a degree in English, she started working as a content writer and currently works as a freelance writer. Even though she has loved poetry since childhood, she didn’t start writing it until 2015. Joydip Dutt is one of the pen names she uses – this particular name was borrowed...

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