Birthday Poem

Birthday Poem For Daughter From Father

It's just a father's love for my only daughter who is married now and far away. I'm just kind of missing her on her birthday.

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Nice to know that you liked my poem. I feel that daughters are a blessing. God Bless!

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My Daughter Is A Dream Come True

Karan ©

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2011 with permission of the Author.

My daughter is a dream come true.
This kind of thing happens to very few.
I feel blessed to have her love and caring
as she is an angel always sharing.
Her love is such that it changed my life,
and now my little angel has become a wife.
The time may be changing, but she is the same,
so loving, so caring that I have no words left to frame.
I just wish always she gets the best
and may God keep her always blessed.
I love you, my angel, you are the best.
My wish is to have you as my daughter again and again
as you filled my life with happiness and removed all the pain,
so I wish you good luck and happiness throughout.
My blessings are with you always without a doubt.


  • Stories 6
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  • Rating 4.24
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nikhil by Nikhil, Bangalore
  • 12 years ago

HI nice was one excellent true feeling of father towards her daughter.. It is nice feeling Good luck both father & daughter

  • Sameer.R. Wadekar by Sameer.R. Wadekar
  • 12 years ago

Thank you sir for this wonderful poem. It will inspire a lot of them who have got daughters and will teach them the value of having a daughter.

  • Surya by Surya
  • 13 years ago

awesome poem...... beautiful lines.... while reading it everyone heart is going to melt...

  • Jinin by Jinin, Spain
  • 13 years ago

Lovely poem..
I feel as-if the writer has given his real feelings in words, straight from the "HEART" well done Karan
I'm sending the poem to my daughter too

  • Ali by Ali, Kuwait
  • 13 years ago

Nice poem, heartfelt I think. A lot of people have daughters, and fewer with daughters they would term as a dream come true..

  • Deepak by Deepak, India
  • 6 years ago

Nice to know that you liked my poem. I feel that daughters are a blessing. God Bless!

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