Boyfriend Poem

This is for my boyfriend who's been there for me since the day we met. We had a baby that was in the NICU for about 2 months. For those 2 months I was struggling, and he was there. He always made sure I was okay and that our baby was okay. We'd wake up and go to the hospital to visit our baby, and then he'd go to work. When he got out, he'd go back to the hospital to see our baby. He made a lot of sacrifices, and I love him so much. I'm so thankful that God gave me such a wonderful guy. He's a great boyfriend and father.

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This poem is the whole meaning of my almost 4-year relationship with my fiance. We've been on and off. To the person who wrote this, I thank you for summing up my relationship into this...

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Always Belong To You


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2012 with permission of the Author.

At times I may get mad at you.
Without any reason,
at times I might yell,
but hey, just know that I just want your attention.
I know at times I'm hard to deal with,
but please just try.
I know that I can be hard-headed,
but one kiss from you makes me soft.
I can't be perfect, and I will never be,
but I promise you one thing -
no matter where life take us,
I will never leave or give up on you.
I will always stay by your side and
assure you that everything will be okay.
I will walk with you hand in hand
then smile and wipe your sorrow away.
I will never ever in a million years
ask for someone else
because no matter how hard they all try to compete with you,
they will never win...
because my heart will always belong to you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sarah L Bradbury by Sarah L Bradbury
  • 5 years ago

This poem is the whole meaning of my almost 4-year relationship with my fiance. We've been on and off. To the person who wrote this, I thank you for summing up my relationship into this beautiful poem.

  • Ruby by Ruby
  • 6 years ago

I love my boyfriend so much. We have had our ups and downs, but that made our relationship even stronger. People tell me not to get too attached to him, but I cannot help it. He is all I need, and even though it's been 4 months, I thank God for these months. The best time of my life, honestly.

  • Joyce by Joyce
  • 6 years ago

May this be a special dedication to Josphat. I love him very much. This has been a long journey for us - clinging and holding onto me for the past 5 years is not a joke. I really love him, and I know we can still make it through to marriage.

  • Summer Lynn by Summer Lynn
  • 7 years ago

This poem is so sweet and says a million words. My boyfriend and I are juniors in high school and have been together well over a year. Sometimes we have a struggle, but we both work hard to make sure our relationship is at its full potential. We love each other through everything. Our past is our past and we make the best of the now, and we strive for our future. Thank you for these beautiful words.

  • Alison Zawatzki by Alison Zawatzki
  • 8 years ago

I feel this way all the time with my boyfriend. We have only been on one date to the movies, and we are 11 and 12 years old, but sometimes we can do some really nice stuff for each other.

  • Brittany Stone by Brittany Stone
  • 11 years ago

That is so sweet and sad I'm sooooooo sorry about your baby. Wow that was a cute poem lol that's sweet:)

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