Ocean Poem

This poem has a few meanings for me. I think only a few people will understand the deeper meaning. If you do, please comment what you think it is. Thank you so much for reading this. I hope you enjoy it!

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The poem beautifully captured my sensory experience of being at the ocean, with vivid imagery that transported me to the beach. The use of descriptive language effectively conveyed the...

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The Ocean

B Gosling ©

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2014 with permission of the Author.

The waves trickle along my toes.
The soft ocean sprays across my nose.
The sand was compliant under my feet
Exactly where the ocean and it decide to meet.

The water rose and enveloped around my shin.
The salt water numbing against the skin.
A shell drifted, caught in the tide,
A tiny crab adrift inside.

The water drifted up to my hips,
A million kisses from the ocean's lips.
A gentle caress from the deep blue,
Though it would've been better if it were from you...

The water enveloped around my waist.
A thousand tiny fingers around me laced.
The horizon calls, it beckons me
Out towards it, across the sea.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lawrence Bechtel by Lawrence Bechtel
  • 9 months ago

The poem beautifully captured my sensory experience of being at the ocean, with vivid imagery that transported me to the beach. The use of descriptive language effectively conveyed the sensation of the waves, the sand, and the water enveloping the speaker, created a calming and immersive atmosphere. The shift from the physical experience of the ocean to a longing for a different kind of connection added depth to the poem and resonated with multiple themes such as nature, emotion, and desire.

  • Linda Simpson by Linda Simpson
  • 5 years ago

This is a love affair with the sea and shore. It uses all of our senses by embracing it. It takes the reader to the seashore. It may be good to use for my mindful group sessions.

I think the deeper meaning is LOVE!! I also feel like love is an ocean!! and I love the ocean.

  • Deeksha Pandey by Deeksha Pandey, Louisiana/New Orleans/America
  • 9 years ago

This poem is really great, especially for a school project. We're meant to memorize a poem with ten or more lines, and this one is a perfect length for me.

Personally, I love the ocean too, and this poem really described it really well. Although there's one thing...

You said this could be taken a few different ways, and after I read that, I thought of one way....Could she be going out to suicide? I'm sorry, but I just thought it might be that, because of the line "Though it would've been better if it was from you". Like maybe she had been heartbroken by some guy and was going to drown herself to commit suicide? I'm sorry if this isn't it, it's just what I thought. But anyways, this is an amazing poem and thanks for making it!!!

  • Nat by Nat, America
  • 10 years ago

This poem had really touched my heart.
I adore the way you have handled the elements of nature and love and wanting, but yet, kept it so simple.
You are a very talented writer and definitely a writer to look our for in the future.
Congratulations on receiving poem of the day.
That is very exciting.

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